Chapter 2:
Today is the start if a new high school. Not to mention prep school. Fun, fun. I dressed in kakis and a blue Hillcrest collared shirt with a gold lion on it. I grabbed my empty multi colored book bag and headed downstairs for breakfast. It was much like dinner except Rick was there, he was a tall slender man with a shock of blond hair and an inquisitive smile. He was very nice althoug I could do without him asking me a thousand questions before I headed off to school.
The bus wasn’t too crowded so I took a seat up front and listened to my Ipod. The high school was 3 three floors and and from the looks of it not very diverse.
I walked through the parking lot, ignoring the looks, and speculations. I cringed into my self. More pain. I slipped into the office to get my schedule and look around the school ahead of time. My tour guide was way to peppy for her own good.
She showed me to my first class where I sat as far in the back as possible. Which wasn’t a bright idea since most of the jocks sat back there with their puffy blue and gold Varsity jackets. How in the world did they get in AP classes? Must be a requirement.
The passed perverted notes to me the whole time, and I tossed them back without opening most of them. Once the bell rung I dashed out of the class room.
While walking in the hall, I'd get the ocassional stare down but nothing really terrible.
Everyone knew each other here. Epecially this Emma chick. Typical steryoptpe popular girl. Tall, lean, porcelian skin, silky blond hair, a head band to match with every damn pair of pumps she owned.
When it came to lunch I was nervous as hell.
I grabbed a salad even though I wasn’t hungry You never are. I scolded myself mentally.
My tour guide was nice enough to let me sit at her table with some people even though I preffered to be alone.
They weren't as bad as l I thought, even though the school thought of them as misfits. Kara was the guitar player with one side of her hair cleany cut shorter than the other and the longer side had a feather attached to the tail of it, Jake was the math wiz solving problems my AP math teacher couldn't solve, and Angie phrased every sentence that left her lips into poetry.
They asked where I was from and nicely tried to avoid the whole adoption talk as much as possible, which I appreciated, unlike my teachers who put my shit out there like I was on clearence at Walmart. I picked gingerly at my food until lunch was over, and hung out with Kara and Sammy between classes.
My first day wasn’t as bad as I thought it would go. As the day ended I became really close... aqaintences
The pain always builds up at night, and I cant find any way to release it. I'm starting to forget the days of my previous adoptions and its scaring me now. If I say something to my parents they might "return" me.
So I just cry, until I run out of tears or until my body cant take it any more and I pass out.
Thanks for reading, and please comment/vote/fan so I can check out your stories too <3
~Jaynet Stewart

The Girl with Scarlet Wrists [Rewriting]
Teen FictionLayla Ford has enough problems in life. She's an orphan who is always being put up for adoption over and over again. She finds pain relief through cutting, and becomes obsessed. When the school's hottest bad boy trys to help her, he reveals a side t...