Chapter 26:
Layla's POV:
There was this light. It was so bright it burned through my very being. I blinked but I couldnt see anything.
Am I dead? I lifted my hands to my eyes. I wasn't solid through. I could no longer feel anything. I wasun-earth like. I blinked again and again as my vision cleared. There was a figure sitting in front of me.
She was tall with long silky blond hair maybe late twenties early thirties at the latest. She had these green eyes that were absolutely striking.
Some thing in me aced like I knew this woman. She had a thing gold band wrapped around the crown of her head.
Everything then hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Mom?" My voice rattled with uncertainty.
'The woman's smiled radiated love and pure affection.
"Larissa. Still so beautiful." She enveloped me in a warm embrace. I could only feel the warmth not the actual hug.
I could feel a tickle on my face like mock tears running rivers over my cheeks.
"Am I...dead?" I asked cautiously.
"Oh no sweetie, alas you are sort of dreaming in a aspect."
"In a way."
"Things will get better sweetie."
"What will get better Mom?"
"Everything sweetie. That boy... You need to fix him. he's broken sweetie help him."
"Help him what mom?" She was starting to fade.
"You have to go back sweetie, you can't stay here." She said kissing my forehead.
I felt my self slipping away.
"I love you." I yelled being catapuleted backwards.
Her lips formed words but I couldn't hear her.
I impacted something, and it felt like I was being thrown into solid concrete.
I woke up gasping for air.
When I looked around it was my room, and next to me was Chase sleeping like a rock.
Relief flooded me so much that I swear I was floating. I tip toed out of bed so I wouldn't disturb Chase and ran to the phone.
I dialed the number fast and waited impatiently for the receptionist to pick up.
"Hello thank you for calling Tide Ridge how may I assist you?"
"I need to speak with Jane, I have to fly her out immediately."
Sorry it's short but I just wanted to update because I haven't in a long time.
Thanks for reading. Comment/Vote/Fan :) Are you relieved? I am :) haha.
Love yah. Bye <3

The Girl with Scarlet Wrists [Rewriting]
Teen FictionLayla Ford has enough problems in life. She's an orphan who is always being put up for adoption over and over again. She finds pain relief through cutting, and becomes obsessed. When the school's hottest bad boy trys to help her, he reveals a side t...