Chapter 31:
Layla's POV:
I flew Kara and Sammy out today.
My two best friends and we haven't talked in a year! Besides texting but come on..... that's no way to treat your best friends, especially when your a billionaire now.
I waited anxiously at the airport for them to come through.
A little dark haired girl about 4 or 5 with green eyes, was running to her mom shouting "Mommy!" At the top of her lungs.
Yeah it's cute when it happens at their age.
Not so cute when your like 30.
It almost makes me think of what Chase and I's kids could have been like, but he ruined it for them, for everyone that could have been affected by that future.
I sighed heavily.
I miss my little bouncing bugger of a sister.
That gleaming ball of sunshine with missing teeth. Adorable.
"Layla?" Kara shouted.
"Layla!" Sammy burst into tears. Suprise suprise....
"Kara, Sammy!"
The enveloped me in a best friend bond hug, the no air type.
Apparently people didn't think it was cute at our age either.
"Nothing to see here people move it along. just rekindling the flame, it's not polite to stare you know!" I said shooing the onlookers.
"Geesh. I'm so glad to see you guys!"
"I can't believe you really flew us out here!" Sammy exclaimed.
"First class of course!" Kara waggled her eyebrows, "Where I met some extremely good looking Brazilian boys on their way to Spain."
"You know Brazil is in like South America right."
"You got the point right?"
"Haha I guess. Come on tell me all about your flight on the way home."
And they did just that, non stop story after story about how it was so cool blah blah blah.
Not to mention some of the stories had me in tears from laughing so hard.
Like when Sammy spilled that champagne on this guys lap and tried to pull that scene from Britney Spear's video "Toxic" By wiping it off his lap.
Let's just say.
Epic. Failure.
The guy had a wife.
In her defense he looked younger than 34.
She had a little too much champagne.
Will and Lola we're home and it was definitely a bit awkward introducing my European friends with my Cali friends.
All in all, the whole say kept my mind off of..... you know.
Thing will get better eventually, even though it's hard to believe now.
It still makes me wonder who the other woman was.... or is.
It's hard to believe how you can give so much time, devotion, and love to someone..... and still have them betray you in the end.
I guess love wasn't meant for everyone.
It's finally the end! Yeah short right? There's going to be 4 chapters of epilogues for the final conclusion!
Hope you enjoined.

The Girl with Scarlet Wrists [Rewriting]
Teen FictionLayla Ford has enough problems in life. She's an orphan who is always being put up for adoption over and over again. She finds pain relief through cutting, and becomes obsessed. When the school's hottest bad boy trys to help her, he reveals a side t...