A/N: This does contain some disturbing scenes you do not have to read this chapter if you are not comfortable with drug abuse and assault. Don't want to give much away. :/
Chapter 25:
Layla's POV:
My eyelids fluttered open. All I can remember was the horrible smell of chemicals. I rolled over only to find my self restrained. I opened my eyes fully to see that I was in a cage. A large cage. Enough to fit a human. I was chained to one of the metal rails. I struggled to get my self free.
"Help! Please. P-puh-lease let me go. Let me go." I sputtered into the darkness. A figure emerged from a chair. It was the man who put me in his car.
He put his fingers to his lips. I spat at him.
"Let me go NOW!" I screamed at him.
"Quite Layla or should I say Larissa."
My eyes widened. Who exactly was I dealing with here?
"How do you know my name?" I rasped pulling the chains again.
"All will be revealed in time." He bent over a syringe in his hand.
"No no, please. NO!" I screamed and he found the vein in the crease of my elbow and sunk the syringe in gently, plunging the clear liquid into my body.
I writhed for a moment, before lapsing into darkness.
"Кристоф приходить играть со мной!" (Christophe come play with me!) I shouted toddling through the field. Stupid poesies. I always tripped over them, I never liked the little white things.
Christophe bobbed his blond hair through the tall posies trying to catch me.
Mama was laughing at us from the porch. Лариса! Кристоф! Заходите к чаю печенье! (Larissa! Christophe! Come in for tea and cookies!) Mama yelled from the porch.
Laid there in the field of posies with Christophe holding my hand.
I looked over at him and he smiled his toothy grin.
Вы знаете, когда-нибудь мы все умрем? Некоторые с карманами, полными из них! (You know one day everyone dies. Some with pockets full of these!) He laughed gesturing to the posies and the song about them.
We sung the song together.
"Кольцо вокруг карманов Рози заполнены букетики пепла! пепла! мы все падают!"
(Ring around the rosie pockets filled with posies, ashes! ashes! We all fall down!)

The Girl with Scarlet Wrists [Rewriting]
Teen FictionLayla Ford has enough problems in life. She's an orphan who is always being put up for adoption over and over again. She finds pain relief through cutting, and becomes obsessed. When the school's hottest bad boy trys to help her, he reveals a side t...