The Girl with Scarlet Wrists Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
I yawned and stretched, my face was tight and tear stained. I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs off of my bed. I padded silently to the shower and washed up.

I really don't hate my life as much as just wish it were different. I more or less hate the situation.

I was never a bad kid. I don’t deserve this, do I ?

Right? I huffed and turned the shower off, grabbing my warm towel.

I put on my bow head band and padded to my closet. I opened the doors and searched through the racks, I scanned and then plucked out the uniform. I slipped on my black flats and exited into the kitchen.

“Good morning Layla!” Marissa greeted me serving some eggs and bacon on a plate before seating herself.

“Good morning, and thank you for the breakfast. You really don’t have to do this I could just eat cereal.” I plastered a fake smile on my face.

“Oh its no worries honey!” She said washing the dishes. I finished breakfast and waved goodbye to a sleepy Julia, who was emerging from the staircase. Grabbing my book bag, I stood outside and waited for the bus.

Kara pulled up in her red Honda accord. “Hey Layla hop in” She rolled down the window patted the passengers seat. I happily jumped in throwing my back pack in the back seat.

“Dude, nice car.” I said admiring the leather interior. “Thanks a birthday present from the ‘rents” she laughed.

We pulled up to the school and I grabbed my bag out of the backseat.

“Thanks for the ride Kara!” I shouted as I ran to meet up with Sammy who was waving me over.

She smile “Okay so let me point out some key people.”

She said with a mischievous look. “Uh -Oh” I laughed.

“Okay so that jock over there is Leon the star quarter back for the school football team.” She pointed to a very muscular and  handsome curly haired blonde who was hanging out with the rest of the football team.

“Those girls over there are the cheerleading team, and the blonde with the red bow is Emma Maslin the head cheerleader. Just stay clear of her, she’s pretty bitchy.” Sammy warned.

I laughed. “Like I haven’t dealt with that before.”

“Aww Sweetie.” She placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

“Okay and now one last person is him” She pointed to the most incredibly HOT guy I’ve ever seen. EVER.

“That’s Chase King, the schools hottest bad-boy.” Wait... how did he get into a private school then? He was lean but muscular, high cheek bones, long black hair, long enough to fall into the most beautiful emerald green eyes I’ve ever seen and he was tall maybe around 6’2 or 6’3. He had his bottom right of his lip pierced with a lip ring.

I wonder what else he has pierced…. What ew gross thought. Holy crap lip rings are HOT. He could have purely straight guys take a second glance. My knees felt weak. I realized that Sammy was snapping her fingers in front of my face. “Hello? Earth to Layla. Hey? Are you in there?”

“Oh sorry I uh…”

“Yeah, he’s not worth your time he’s a big time PLAYER. Big time, like huge.” I sighed. Of course.

He was leaning against his black mustang talking to some whore-y brunette. He looked up at me and smiled that flirtatious “I want to get in your pants smile.”

I faked smiled back and acted like I was going to wave flirtatiously back but then stuck up my middle finger clearly for him to see.

His expression turned to complete shock, and I turned around and headed into the school with Sammy on my heels dying of laughter.

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