Chapter 9

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New update guys, enjoy this journey

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New update guys, enjoy this journey.


A/n Pov :

Y/n was lost her consesness as soon as she felt support of comfort, seated in car, she was exhausted tired because of the entire escape thing, all the stress she felt, she was scared and not to forget the amount of slap she received at her wedding day.  

Slowly she opened her eyes, a slight hiss left from her mouth feeling extremely perched throat, she rubbed her throat trying to gulp her saliva, her head was still aching, and she couldn't open her eyes. With so much difficulty she adjusted her eyes with light in the room.

This was the new room different where she was kept before, this room was big, with yellow marble fitted on the floor, she was sitting on the king sized bed, feeling the softness around her body.

Her clothes were changed, an IV attached to her hand, attempting to give her little strength to this poor soul.

The memories of her wedding flashed before her eyes, eyes were filled with tears, she touched her cheek it was still swollen, it must have ruined her face. She started sobbing uncontrollably, she felt so weak and vulnerable at this moment.

She needed to play this game with smartness not with rage and attitude, if he wanted to play with her then she can also play with him, then that will be a fair game for both of us. But this game was too dangerous to play, one wrong move and opponent will lose her/his life for forever, and how? She can't even tolerate this man, it's beyond of anything.

She hates this man, with her core, at least for now. She closed her eyes, holding her head, too fucked up to think anything, to do anything.

Taehyung Pov :

He was standing under the shower, his one hand was resting on the wall, warm water rinsing through his toned muscular body shining it in the dim light, He looked ethereal, hair was disheveled, he closed his eyes, there was something which was bothering him, he saw she was exhausted when he threw her into the car, she was too tired to even say a word, eventually passed out as soon as her head placed on the car seat.

He cracked his neck, never in million years someone try to invade his mind then why now. He turned off the shower, took the towel and came out of bathroom wrapping it around under his waist.

His eyes scanned really well her face then, she looked too innocent at that moment, the cut on her lips as well as her face were swollen because of his abuse, her tip of nose was red, and she looked really mess but something in her was attracting him. It's not like he never had seen anyone more beautiful than her, in fact he fucked them too, then why now?

He changed his cloths, throwing his towel on the couch. Then a click sound took his attention as he looked at that direction.

Namjoon entered, he didn't need permission to enter his room since they shared a really good bond, you can say he was the one whom Taehyung can trust blindly, But in these mafia world no one can be called as own, since everybody was working for their own greed, including Taehyung too, then why would he blame others.

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