Chapter 63

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I was standing at the front of the house, a house where my sister Neum spent her childhood. I just couldn't find myself to take any step further. It's been so many days I was struggling to courage. With everything I came here but it felt like now my legs suddenly became jelly, I can't even gather enough strength to walk inside.

I stared at the house more than I should be and suddenly a voice rang near my ear, "Excuse me Mr. I have been seeing you for a long time. Is there any problem?"

I turned my head towards the voice as my eyes fell on a guy who was may be in his seventeen, his hair was messy, and his cheek was dried. I examined him from head to toe; he looked like he had been mugged. His clothes were torn so was his shoes.

"Oh! Yea, I came here for meeting someone but I think I made a mistake."- I just tried to leave the topic since I didn't get courage.

I turned to leave and the boy asked me suddenly, "Do you have money? I need some."

I narrowed my eyes as my eyes again roamed over his figure, "was he beggar?"

"Where do you live?"- in my question all he do was scratch his skin, he didn't even hear my question since all his focus was on my clothes and my watch.

I lightly pat his cheek and asked again, "Where do you young boy?" and this time he looked at me and then turned his head and pointed the house before us.

He lived the same house where Neum stayed.

I immediately remove my watch and bait him before his eyes "You want it, Nike?" I asked. I know his name, I have collected information related to them but because of his appearance I almost couldn't recognize him.

Nike, after giving birth of this idiot they treated my sister like an outcast.

His eyes shined as those eyes were only focused on my watch, "I will give you this but with one condition." – He looked at me, "I want you to introduce me in front your family as you boss and if you succeed then I will give you anything as you name. Am I clear?"

Nick bobbed his head agreeing with me and we walked to the house, and an old woman opened the door, "Nike, Oh my God! What have you done with yourself?"I have been trying to call for so many times."- She sound desperate then her eyes fell on me, as she asked her son, "Who is he?"

"Mother, it's my boss. I ..I wanted him to come in my h—house."- his words were slurred, anyone can understand he was high, he couldn't get it anything in his mind.

As he went to his room and locked the door.

In between Taehyung came inside without even looking at the old woman as if she didn't even matter, he looked at the surrounding, there was a family photo was hanging on the wall, he walked near it and looked at the picture.

That woman didn't understand who was this man and boss, Nick's boss. What boss?- so many questions roaming around her head.

"Mom, where is my purple top ?- a voice came out of nowhere and Nick's sister Teresa entered the hall room as she looked at the man who was busy looking at the picture.

Her mouth went wide open, as she stared at him, "Wow, who is he mom? He is so fucking handsome."- She drooled over him just by one glance.

Her mother ignored her daughter and walked towards Taehyung, "Hey Mr. Who are you? Why you came at our house?"- She asked.

But Taehyung didn't bother to reply anything, as he looked at the picture, "Where is her belonging?"

Teresa made a face, as she walked close to them and looked at the picture, "Who?"

Taehyung pointed at a picture of Neum, where she stood at the corner.

Their mother stood there, she didn't say anything but her eyes also getting numb since she knew whatever she had done to that poor soul was bad, really bad.

"Oh this girl. Mother threw her out of the house. Can you believe our family adopted her, feed her, gave clothes but she always showed her empty attitude and even one day she got pregnant by some rich dude trying to baby trap him. She was such a whore! So we threw her out. You know trash like her should be thrown outside. Such a cocksuc**" -- Teresa splits.

Before she can pronounce another bad word about his sister, a hard slap landed on her face sending her on ground.

"Not another word..."- Taehyung growled his voice was rough in rage. His whole body was shivering in rage; he just wanted to silent that mouth which split so many nasty words of her.

But deep down he knew those anger was not because of this stranger but himself. He hates himself, he hates he failed protect his sister, and in fact he was the reason why his sister had suffered so much.

Then how can he blame others.

Taehyung closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. He was regretting every moment he delayed because of his lack of courage.

Was there anything left in his life accept regret.

"I want you all to leave this house right now. Here is the cheque and enter whatever amount you want to put."

Their mother Melisa looked at him and asked, "Who are you and What relation do you have with her?"- She asked since she got the moment his eyes stared at the picture of Neum.

Taehyung remained silent, giving a deep sigh Melisa spoke again, "If you know where she is, can you please tell her that her mother was sorry. I wanted to apologize her for what I have done to that beautiful soul."

"Pack you bag and leave the house right now."- Taehyung ordered, his voice was heavy. "And leave her belonging."- He said further.

"Her remaining thing was at the store room, I couldn't bring myself to throw those."- She spoke with heave heart.

Taehyung still remained silent since no words left from his mouth, his heart was getting tearing apart but he couldn't let those emotion out.

Melisa packed her belonging, since there was barely any. Teresa didn't want to lose this opportunity of getting rich so she put a large sum of money almost fifty-five million dollar, even if her mother Melisa was against it and they left.

Taehyung was left alone, at that small house, he wanted to keep it since Neum spent her entire childhood at this house. He couldn't do anything for her sister but may be after her demise this was the bare minimum thing he can do for her.

He walked to the store room, it was dusty, it felt like no one came at this room and why they will, she was no one for them.

I looked around and my eyes fell on a album which was also filled with dust. My hand shook as I picked it up, opening it, the first picture I saw at her, she was laughing, she seemed happy. There was Melisa beside of her.

She seemed so bright and cheerful as I turned the pages it was full of them. Melisa, her husband and then Y/n. there was written in a bold 'Sisters'.

I didn't even know when the tears dropped from my eyes, I felt suffocate, I clung the diary close to heart as if I can feel her, I can love her.

She never knew that she had a brother, I never knew even at the moment when I arranged her funeral, How much unfortunate I'm?

Was it the punishment of my sins?

I have spilled blood of innocent, was this how I'm repaying?

I collapsed onto floor and a heart winching cry left from my lips, I am tried, tried.


To be continued.

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