Chapter 16

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New uPdate guys, Enjoy...


A/n Pov :

Morning light crept through the window falling on his face, a low groan left from his lips as He turned to the other side to find some solace, and as he slowly opened his eyes and it fall on a figure who was sleeping in a sitting position whereas her head rested on the headboard, her one hand holding his left hand. 

For a brief moment, he was unable to take his eyes off of her, your brown hair was shining under the golden light of sun, making her face more brighter, he gently tucked her hair behind her ear securely, he was completely lost in that sleeping beauty who were fall asleep yesterday taking care of him, again few strands of hair fall her face making her annoy as she scrunched her nose in annoyance. Slowly opened her eyes; Taehyung immediately closed his eyes and went to the position where he was in till now.

Y/n slowly opened her eyes and looked at the man who was still sleeping without caring of anything; she again put her hand on his forehead, and found it was exact normal. Whole night she couldn't sleep properly, Y/n looked at the clock, it showed 9 at the morning, so she decided to make simple healthy breakfast for him, and he needed to have his medicine.

She felt a little tug behind when she noticed her hand was tangled with him; in fact she was holding his hand the whole night, a small smile danced across her face as she gently untangled her hand from him without bothering him in the least. Y/n got up from the bed and went to kitchen to make some breakfast for him.

When Taehyung sensed her footsteps fading, he opened his eyes, touched the spot on his face where she had just placed her hand, and then turned to face the door once more.

Time skips as she came back holding tray where everything was arranged, she had prepared fruit juice for him, along with bacon and the medications that Namjoon Hyung had given her last night for him. Y/n placed the tray on the nightstand next to his bed and gave him another glance before checking the time, which read 10, still he was not awake, as she thought, "Should I wake him up or let him sleep more.." she was confused whether she should do.

Y/n again sat next to him and cradle his head, she looked really tensed "Is my wife worried for her husband?" those words were deep husky since he was sleeping till now, a small smile playing on his face seeing her eyes went wide, her hair was still messy, his eyes opened directly looking at her eyes, their eyes locked with each other, her hand cradling his smooth hair till now was stopped, she felt embarrassed.

Taehyung hold her wrist and twirled her around effortlessly in a quick motion, as she was under him whereas Taehyung on the top of her, he gently pressed her both hands on the top of head, lowered his head, asked in husky manly voice again , " Her husband wanted to know if his beautiful wife is worried for him , Is she ?"

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