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( Na'vi is going to be in bold!)

"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book; I mean literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany." Norm fangirls to us.

"Well, that's cause she likes plants better than people," Max whispers to us, earning a chuckle from me.

"Relatable," I reply with a slight smile on my face.

"Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, Jake Sully, and (y/n) (y/l/n)." Max introduces us to the infamous Grace.

"Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?" Grace questions.

"May the all-mother smile upon our first meeting," Norm says very formally.

"Not bad. You sound a little formal." Grace nods her head in approval.

"I studied for five years but there is much to learn." Norm chuckles nervously.

"Grace? This is (Y/N Y/L/N) and Jake Sully." Max tries to re-introduce us.

"Ma'am." I glance down at Jake seeing he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Yeah, yeah. I know who you are and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know, the PhD who trained for three years for this mission?" Grace rudely dismisses Jake causing me to give her a bitchy look.

"He's dead. I know it's a big in convince for everyone," Jake bites back sarcastically.

Grace looks at Jake for a moment and then adverts her gaze to me, "(Y/n), I'm so sorry for-"

"Please, can we not? I know everyone is sorry but I haven't even been here a day. I don't want to be reminded every second that my sister's dead." I blow up. Grace looks at me with a face of sympathy. I feel bad but I'm tired of everyone saying they're sorry for me. People, I don't even know are saying it to me. I know it's different though with Grace. Hell, they wrote a book together. However, Grace accepts my wishes and changes the topic.

"How much lab training have you two had."

"I was a doctor. I practiced medicine." I reply quickly, thankful for the subject change. However, It still hurts thinking of the memories of my old life to see they are no more.

"Not bad," She replied and looked at Jake, "And you?"

"I dissected a frog once." I slowly turn my head to Jake.

"Seriously dude?" I question Jake and he just shrugs.

"You see? You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge." Grace strides off with Max following after her, "No Grace! I don't think that is a good idea."

"No man! This is such bullshit! I'm going to kick his corporate butt." Grace yells out. Max sighs and walks over to Jake.

"Here tomorrow, 0800. Try and use big words." Max walks away stressed. I turn to look at Jake and just burst out laughing. That has got to be the stupidest answer I've ever heard.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"So, how much link time have you logged?" Gracie asks Norm as we walk into the link room.

"About 520 hours." Norms replies.

"That's good." Grace praises him, "You're in there. You're here. Lastly, you're here." Grace motions to the bed in front of me. She walks back over to Jake to help him if it's needed. I lay back into the link. I look at everything confused as hell.

"How the... What the... Fuck?" I look around to see what I'm supposed to do.

"I'm here to help." Grace comes over to me.

"Thanks," I chuckle quietly. I bit my lip, nervous about wether I should apologize right now, or wait. I quickly decide I should do it now, "Listen, Grace. I'm really sorry. I'm still trying to heal from my sister's death. I've been hearing condolences since I got here. I just want to forget it all." Grace peaks down at me and sighs and she goes back to her screen.

"I understand, Willow was an amazing person. She was brilliant and nice. She was my favorite person you know," She nudges me causing me to laugh, "When I found out she was dying, I felt like a part of me was too. She was one of my closest and dearest friends and it was hard for me to see her go." She sighed and looked down, "Come on, kid. We got to get you linked up."

"Head down, arms in. Just relax and let your mind go blank." Grace shuts the top over me. My eyes roam the link pod around me. A couple of seconds later my mind feels weird and all I see are lights as I close my eyes.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Can you hear me?" A female doctor spoke to me, and I get lights shined in my eyes.

"How are you feeling, (Y/n)?" The male doctors ask me.

"Woah..." Is all I could say back causing them to laugh.

"Welcome to your new body, (Y/n). We are going to take this nice and easy." I nod my head at the doctor wiggling my hands and toes.

"Good!" The female doctor praises me. I start to sit up and look at... me? I hear commotion next to me and look over at Jake trying to stand up. I expect nothing less from his dumbass. Jake is pulling and knocking over everything around him.

"Jake, sit your ass down!" I yell over at him.

"This is great." Jake smiles as he is looking at Max. He turns around and pushes out the door. I groan and stand up.

"(Y/N), sit down!" The male doctor orders me.

"No, I got to go get him." I take everything off of me and follow him out the door. I hear Norm coming behind me. We run as best as we can, trying to figure out how to use our legs as we didn't get a chance to. Cough because of someone idiot I know cough. We are running through this field of fruit as we notice Jake finally come to an abrupt stop.

"Come on, Norm!" I yell behind me causing me to hear a loud groan behind me. I laugh at him, taking everything in as I run. We finally get to Jake after running forever.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Jake Sully!" I exclaim in anger.

"You've got to try this, (Y/N)!" Jake tosses me some fruit. I look at it strangely before biting in. My face melts as the juice drips out of the fruit. It was an explosion of flavors in my mouth. The aroma the fruit gave off was just as good too.

"I forgive you." I take another bite. Before Jake hands me another fruit for Norm. I hand it to Norm and have him try it.

"Everything's looking good, (Y/n)." The woman says to me. I was confused for a second when I put two and two together.

"Grace." I breathe out, "This place is amazing."

"It is, isn't it?" She replies with a chuckle.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Come on, everybody, quiet down! All right, gang lights out." Grace gets everyone in order. I lay in my bed, playing with my hair.

I start to think about everything that has happened in the past 6 years. My sister died, I take over her contract, I'm on a ship in cryo for 6 years, I land on a planet called Pandora, and now I'm here. In an avatar, on a planet, my sister died on.

I sigh and allow myself to relax and eventually close my eyes, drifting off into sleep. I wake up back in my link pod and take a deep breath. Taking in everything that just happened. I push out the pod and just laugh. This is going to be fun.

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