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(Na'vi is in bold when it is spoken)

Jake was carving a weapon with wood so we could protect ourselves through the rest of the day. I hiss in pain and touch my left shoulder. I rip my tank top in half and wrap it around my injured arm and rest my head against a tree. Jake walks over to me and lends me a hand.

"Come on, (Y/N). We got to keep moving." Jake softly tells me. I sigh and take his hand to stand up. I hiss in pain as I feel my injury burn. The cut stretched from the top of my shoulder to the middle of my forearm. My shirt didn't cover it all, but it did enough. Jake leads me through the forest, more alert than ever.

As time passes, it gets darker. The sun starts to set making the sky look beautiful. It looks like a painting of red, oranges, pinks, and blues. Until it finally fades to a dark blue with hints of purple seen. It was beautiful but scary, nonetheless due to the circumstances. Jake and I decided to stop for me to rest and for him to make a torch. I rest my head on a tree and slowly close me eyes. I hiss in pain as I accidentally hit it my arm when I moved. Jake looks over at me briefly.

"It's okay, (Y/N). Don't worry, we are going to be okay." Jake reassures me as he continues trying to make a torch for light and protection. Jake was always my protector. He always protected me when I needed it.

He was always there. He's the reason I became a doctor. So, I didn't have to rely on anyone else and people didn't have to worry about me. Life doesn't always go as planned though. I could hear in the distance creatures making noise. It seemed closer than just a random animal in the forest. I quickly stood up and looked around. Jake quickens his speed to get the torch ready. I hear panting and growling behind me, so I turn around and I'm met with eyes staring back at me.

"Jake... A little quicker please." I plead as I notice the animals swarming us.

"I'm trying," Jake grumbles as he tries to light the torch. I slowly back up behind Jake as I notice the animals coming toward me. He finally lights it and starts to swing it back in forth. However, whatever his plan was, it wasn't working. The animals kept coming towards us and didn't stop. I quickly look on the ground for something and pick up a little stick. We continue to back up further into the woods until they finally circle us.

"I don't have all goddamn night." Jake curses at the animals. I continue to look around, holding the stick up in a defensive manner. I may not have been in the military, but I picked up a thing or two from Jake.

"Come on! Come on!" Jake yells causing them to hiss.

I look at Jake with wide eyes, "The hell you are doing?" That causes for the animals to start jumping at us. I start to swing as they came at me.

"Jake! I don't think the fire is helping our case!" I yell as he barely misses hitting me with the fire.

"It's fine, (Y/N), just keep hitting them!" He yells back at me causing me to turn back and hit another Viper wolf that came at me. (I just figured out what they are called😭)

Jake continues killing the Viper wolves and I continued to hit them until an arrow flies by my vision. I look up to see a Na'vi woman shooting arrows at the Viper wolves that surrounded us. Jake was going to kill one when he noticed an arrow in it and looked up to see the woman. The Na'vi woman killed all the Viper wolves and squinted at the bright source of light.

"Hey, wait. Don't!" Jake tries to stop her before she threw it into a river. Jake sighs and went to retrieve it. I follow him and hold onto his shirt, so he doesn't fall all the way in. Once we get out of the water, we look around to see the beauty we missed. The whole forest was fully illuminated.

"(Y/N), are you seeing this?" Jake asks me as he looks around.

"Yep." Is all I could say at the moment. This planet never ceases to amaze me. Since the moment I got here, I've been in awe. We look back around to see the Na'vi woman taking out the arrow of a dead Viper wolf.

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