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(Na'vi will be in bold)

We flew back to the main headquarters to resupply. While everyone else was doing something, Jake wandered off causing me to watch him curiously. I follow him and watch hm as he walks into the room where it all started. The first place we came into was when we landed on Pandora and had a briefing. I waited outside with my back against the cold metal wall as I wait for a couple of seconds when I hear a voice.

"Haven't gotten lost in the woods, have you?" The voice asks. I immediately recognize that voice.


He never sat right with me. I couldn't explain it either, it was just a gut feeling I had. I focused back in on what was being said.

"Your last report was more than two weeks ago. I'm starting to doubt your resolve." I hear a metal-against-metal sound causing me to peak into the room to see Quartich in a chair in front of Jake, "The way I see it, it's time to terminate the mission." Quaritch stares at Jake. I take my head away from the door and put it against the wall again. What mission is he talking about?

"No. I can do this." I hear Jake speak up.

"You already have. You give me good, usable intel. This Tree of Souls place. Yeah, I got them by the balls with that, when this turns into a shit fight, which it will. Now it's time to come in. By the way, you gonna get your legs back." I turn to look back into the room, "Yeah. I got you corporate approval. It's a done deal. Gonna have you on a shuttle tonight. I'm a man of my word."

" I gotta finish this. There's one more thing. Ceremony. It's the final stage of becoming a man. If I do it, I'm one of them. And they'll trust me. And I can negotiate the terms of their relocation." I put my head back onto the wall as I feel my heart drop. Has Jake been working with Quaritch this whole time? I hear Quaritch start to get up so I decided I should go in. I take a deep breath and walk in.

"Hey Jake, I've been looking for you!" I say causing Jake to turn his head at me. I look over at the Quaritch, "General."

"(Y/n). Have I ever told you how much you look like Willow?" He looks at me, picking up the chair and putting it on the table. It made me feel as he said my sister's name.

"No sir." I try to maintain my fake smile, "Well you too look like you two could be twins." He gives me a sick smile then looks at Jake, "Remember, get it done Corporal." With that, he walks out of the room.

"Come on, Jake. We have a ceremony to get to." I sigh and get behind him and push him out of the room. I wasn't going to talk about what just happened to him right now. It wasn't the right time.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Tsu'tey helps paint my face as Neytiri was somewhere painting Jake's face.

"The day is finally here." I breathe out, surprised at how far I've come.

"I am proud of you, (Y/n). You have shown great courage as you trained with me to become one of us." Tsu'tey softly paints a line from my nose down to my cheek. Then he takes paint and puts a line on my lips, slowly pulling them down.

"Thank you, Tsu'tey. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, you know." I lightly smile looking at him.

"I know."

"Never mind. I take it back now."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Me and Jake walked up a spiral that led us to where all the people are. Before we made it to the top I look at Jake, "We did it."

"Together." He looks over and holds his fist up causing me to fist-bump him back with a small smile. After everything I heard, Jake was a friend. He has helped me through a lot and I'm glad I did this with him. We walk over to where Eytukan and Mo'at are. On the way, I spot Grace and wave at her. She smiles and waves back. Grace almost became a motherly figure to me and I'm glad she was here to witness this. We reach Eytukan and Mo'at as they look at us.

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