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( Na'vi will be in bold when spoken)

We are all in the helicopter going to our new station. I'm kind of excited because the way Norm explained it, I'm going to see floating mountains. Which to me, floating mountains is a concept crazy to think about.

"We're getting close." Grace looks at me and Jake.

"Yeah, look at my instruments." Trudy looks down as her instruments go all crazy.

"Yep. We're in the Flux Vortex." Grace turns to look up ahead.

"We're VFR from here on," Trudy tells us causing Norm to look over puzzled. "What's VFR?" He asks Trudy. This causes Trudy to look over and smirk. "Means you gotta see where you're going."

Norm looked even more confused at this. "You can't see anything." He points ahead to the white fog that can only be seen.

Trudy laughs at this. "Exactly. Ain't that a bitch." As we continue on, I can lightly see figures popping up in the distance. That's when the Hallejuah mountains fully come into view.

"Oh, my God." Me and Norm say at the same time, looking at the mountains in front of us in shock. Trudy laughs at our behavior.

"You should see your faces." She lets out a chuckle as she quickly glances over to us again. My jaw hung low as I was looking up at the mountains. This place is so beautiful. Why is this planet so fucking perfect. Some mountains were huge with smaller ones attached by vines. Some had waterfalls coming off the side and others were just full of green forest. I start to feel us descending, signaling we have arrived at our destination.

"Thank you for flying Air Pandora." Trudy jokes as she turns off the ship. Grace gets out first to probably go set everything up inside. Me, Trudy, Norm, and Jake take a little longer. First, we help Jake out and then go grab all the bags. Once we make it inside, Grace greets us. "Welcome to camp." As Trudy opens the fridge, me and Jake look at the pictures that were hanging onto it. We see pictures of Neytiri and Grace with other Na'vi children. Then I see my sister, Willow with Tsu'tey in some of the pictures causing my eyes to slightly go wide. However, Grace took us to the link room before I could pull her aside to ask about them.

"Okay, Jake, Hangar left, you'll be in the link at the end. Unit one. She's the least glitchy." Grace pats it and then points to the link in front of Jake's, "And that's yours hun." I look up at Grace and down at my feet. I was curious about the pictures on the fridge and wanted to know more. I stood still for a few minutes thinking before I mustered up the courage to walk over to Grace.

"Hey Grace, can I ask you something?" I look down at my hands only getting a hum in response as she got her link ready.

I took a deep breath before going on, "Those pictures on the fridge... Where are they from?" I saw Grace's form stiffen slightly.

"I once had a school where me and your sister taught Na'vi children until..." Grace pauses and sighs, "It's a long story, Kid. I'll tell you another time so for now go get in your pod." She lightly pushes me over to the pod so I can get in. I listened but my mind still wondered about it. I needed to know more about it. Why wasn't the school up anymore? I had so many questions and if I knew one person who could answer them.

It would be Tsu'tey.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Me and Tsu'tey hung out more often than we realized. We have got closer since the last time we had a 'lesson.' Tsu'tey had informed me the night before we had another lesson today.

I already didn't like this next lesson. It started off with me and Tsu'tey climbing to the top of Hometree. We climbed and climbed until we got up to one of the top branches and started to walk across it until we were about halfway out.

I slightly looked over the edge feeling sick to my stomach. Heights were always a weakness of mine but I knew I just had to get over it. Hell, they live in a tree, there really isn't a way to avoid heights. Tsu'tey made a noise that almost sounded like he was calling something. I heard rustling up in the branches above and tried to look closer before a huge bird-like creature came flying down.

I quickly backed up looking at Tsu'tey to see how I should react. He didn't budge, so I look back up at the animal. "Do not look in his eyes," Tsu'tey warns me causing me to immediately look down, "Ikran is not a horse. Once shahaylu is made, Ikran will only fly with one hunter in their whole life." He explains as he makes the bond and gets up on his Ikran.

"To become taronyu, hunter, you must choose your ikran and he must choose you." He pets his Ikran.

"When?" I look up at him curiously.

"When you are ready." With that, he takes off of the branch and does some tricks in the air causing me to laugh. I watch in awe as he soars across the sky so effortlessly. For someone who can be a bitch 90% of the time, he's not bad looking. He's actually kind of...

My mind wanders off but I was rudely interrupted when he lands right back next to me and laughs at my shaken state. He gets off his Ikran and shoos it away causing it to throw a little fit before flying back up into the branches.

"Fuck you! You scared the shit of me!" I curse at him as he rolls his eyes. I hold my hand up to my chest to feel my heart about to jump out my chest.

"You wouldn't have been scared if you were paying attention to m." He points out causing me to go silent.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever," I roll my eyes and look out at the forest down below us, "You know, your home is beautiful, Tsu'tey." I look at him with a small smile and surprisingly, he gave me one back.

A real smile.

He sits down on the branch causing me to follow his lead, "It is, isn't it?" He asks me.

I nod at his question looking out at the forest, "Back home, there's nothing. No more green, the life is drained from the planet. But here, it is vibrant and full of life." I look back to see him staring at me smiling. We have come far, from him hating me to us being friends are big steps in my book.

"Well, soon, this can maybe be your home." His statement takes me back causing me to smile even more.

"You know, for you being a bitch all the time, I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me."I look at him stunned. He snorts, "Yeah well, it's not every day you get assigned to train a dream walker." He jokes back to me.

"At least you got the best one out of me and Jake." I shoot back at him. He should be grateful like he got me, let's be for real now.

"Yeah, I did get lucky on that." He smiles and looks at me.

"You know, I like it when you're not a bitch. You are much nicer to be around." I smirk as I look over at him.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. Your bad attitude is such a buzz kill." I roll my eyes causing him to laugh.

"I'm warming up to you, that's all. It's hard to get use to your alien smell." He fires back causing my jaw to drop.

"I smell amazing, thank you." I cross my arms and look at him offended causing him to laugh. It was nice to see him laugh. He seemed so much more at peace when he isn't all warrior guy. We look out at the forest and go silent just enjoying each other company.

My mind drifts back to the thought of the school. I knew If there was anyone to ask, I knew it would be him. I shifted uncomfortably trying to think of a way to ask. Tsu'tey took notice of my actions and eyed me strangely.

"Tsu'tey?" I get a hum in response.

"Do you know about Grace Augustine's school?" Tsu'tey once joyful energy turns cold quickly as he looks at me.

"Yes. Why?" He asks me defensively.

"What happened there?"

He sighs and looks down at the branch, "It was a beautiful place. I loved going. All the children would go to learn English by Grace and Willow," I look over at him, "Even though, Willow joined us 5 years later we still enjoyed her. One day, sky people came into the school with guns. They started to shoot all the children and..." Tsu'tey takes a deep breath and looks at me pissed.

"My mate died that day."

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