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"Links ready!" Max yells out.

I get into my link pod and lay down. I make sure my legs and hands are all the way in and pull down on the chest restrain.

"Let's do this." I whisper to myself and close the pod over me.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

I look out the ship and see these purple, bird-like animals flying around us. We fly into a forest and man; these were some big ass trees. However, it was beautiful nonetheless. We were just flying through Pandora, and I was admiring it. It truly was beautiful.

"Jake, look at this place! It's absolutely wonderful." I gasp as I notice the waterfall we go over. I hear Grace chuckle at my behavior. I hear Jake let out a whoop as we hover over the water. I laugh at his excitement. It's good to be here with him. Me and Jake have been supporting each other every chance we get because we know how hard it is for each other.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Grace replies to me. We make it into another forest and land in an open area. I hop out and look around. I will never be able to get used to this place.

"Shut it down. We're gonna stay for a while." I hear Grace inform Trudy, hearing as the ship stops. The other man with us tries to follow up but Grace stops him quickly, "Stay with the ship. One idiot with a gun is enough." Earning a snicker from me. Jake leads us through the forest when he suddenly whips his gun around to the sound of noise. I quickly freeze and look up only to see these monkey-looking animals.

"Jake, they look harmless." I laugh and touch his shoulder making him to glance at me.

"She's right. They're Prolemuris. They're not aggressive." Grace emphasizes the 'not aggressive' part.

We continue to walk through the forest with Grace in the lead now.

"So..." Norm starts, "How will they know we're here?"

"I'm sure they're watching us right now," Grace tells him.

"What? The Na'vi? They are watching us?" I quickly ask the scientists.

"Relax, Doc. You'll be safe with us." Grace replies to me causing me to smile nervously. We continue walking until Grace and Norm stop to take an example. I would have gladly watched if it wasn't for Jake walking off.

"Hey, wait up!" I whisper to Jake quickly going after him.

"It's amazing, (Y/N). This place." He points around us.

"I know. It's like I haven't been saying that since we got here." I nudge him in a joking manner causing him to roll his eyes at me . He turns to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm glad you're here." He looks at me with a sad smile.

"Yeah, me too." I return the smile, "You know, I had to be here to prevent you from getting your sorry ass killed."

"Oh, is that so?" Jake laughs at me.

"Of course!" I say proudly and hold my head up high. We laugh and continue walking till we get to this open field of orange plants. Jake's eyes light up and walk up to one, slightly touching it causing it to shrink. I gasp and take a step back.

"Woah." I say looking at Jake and back at the plant, "Do it again." Jake looks at me and then touches another one causing the same reaction. We both laugh at the plant.

"Ooo! Let me try." I rush over and touch one causing it to shrink. However, not only did that one shrink, but all the others did too.

"Shit." I curse. Up ahead, we can hear a screech and see a big ass animal that resembles a rhino. Jake's smile quickly falls, and he holds up his gun. I freeze in place, afraid to make the wrong move. Grace and Norm quickly hurry over to us.

"Don't shoot. Don't shoot, it's a Titanothere. You'll just piss him off." Grace orders Jake.

"It's already pissed off!" Jake whisper yells back at Grace, as I shrink behind him.

"Jake, that armor is too thick. Trust me." Grace pleads. I pull Jake's gun back, "Listen to her, man."

"It's a territorial threat display. Do not run or he'll charge." Grace continues to tell us.

"So, what do I do, dance with it?" Jake looks back and forth. I hit his arm and roll my eyes.

"Come on, man. Let's just do what she says." I beg Jake.

"Just hold your ground." Grace looks at us. The animal looks as if it's ready to charge. As my if I guessed it, the Titanothere charges at us.

"Fuck! Fuck!" I quickly back up in fear, however, Jake towards the animal, 'holding his ground.' Thankfully, it stops before it runs through Jake like nothing.

"Yeah? Come on! What you got? Oh, yeah. Who's bad? That's right. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, bitch." Jake stops as the animal runs away from us, "That's right, get your punk ass back to mommy." For a second, I really thought Jake scared them off. That was cut short when I hear a low growl behind me. I bite the inside of my cheek, not wanting to turn around. I slowly look behind me to see this big ass black panther-looking animal.

"I don't find this amazing," I whisper in fear looking up at the animal. Jake must have heard me because he turns around and sees the animal behind us. It jumps over us to roar at the Titanothere family in front of us.

"Grace..." I lowkey speak, looking at her for help.

"So, what about this one? Run? Don't run? What?" Jake looks at Grace for answers as he held up his gun as the Thanator slowly turns towards us.

"Run! Definitely run!" Grace shouts at us causing me to dart in the other direction with Jake and the Thanator on our trail. We jump in between some trees, hoping that the Thanator wouldn't be able to get through. However, luck isn't on our side because it goes around everything. We continue running away trying to find a way to lose the animal. We dive into the roots of some tree only for the Thanator to eat away at the roots.

As it was clawing away, it cut my upper left arm causing me to yell out in agony. I quickly apply pressure to my left arm while trying to find a way out of this mess. Jake starts firing his gun to hurt the Thanator, but it didn't seem to affect it. I look away to shield my eyes as wood chips are flying everywhere. The Thanator bit down and grabbed the gun out of Jake's hands.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan, climbing the other way to get out of the tree roots. I run with Jake not too far on my trail.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Jake yell out from behind me to see Jake on the ground. The Thanator bites down on his backpack and starts flinging it around.

"Jake! Take it off!" I yell out referencing to the backpack, luckily, he understood what I meant and slipped out of the arms and dropped down to the ground. I quickly run over to Jake to help him up and continue to run with the Thanator hot on our trail. We were running but before I know it, we jumped off the side of a cliff into a waterfall.

"Fuck!" I yell out in fear as we are free-falling toward the water. I collide with the water, getting knocked down to the bottom. I try to get myself right side up before I use the rocks to push myself up toward the surface. I swim over to a branch and hold onto it. I realized that Jake wasn't with me and I started to panic.

"Jake? Jake!" I yell out looking around to see a head pop up next to me. I let out a thankful sigh to see Jake was okay.

Helloo!! I hope you liked this chapter, if there are any spelling errors it's probably because I'm editing this on my phone so😬 Still i hope you enjoyed!

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