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We flew out to the Four Winds

To the Horse clans of the plains

To the Ikran people of the Eastern Sea

When Toruk Makto called them, they came.

I stand by Jake and watch as everyone comes together united, to help us. I look at Jake and put my hand on his shoulder, "We're doing it, Jake. We are going to fix this." Jake looks at me with a small smile.

"Thank you for staying by me, despite my stupid decisions." Jake avoids my eye contact.

"Hey," I turn his face towards me so he looks me in the eyes, "Remember, no soldiers get left behind, Jake. You may do incredibly stupid things," I joke around as he rolls his eyes at me, "But you are my family now, Jake. We've been through rough times together. I'm not going to just leave you when things go wrong."

Jake pulls me into a hug and I return the gesture, "Thank you." I hear him whisper to me causing me to hug him tighter.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Guys, It's crazy here. It's full mobilization. They're rigging the shuttle a bomber. They've got these huge pallets of mine explosives. It's for some kind of shock-and-awe campaign." Max quickly explains to us, clearly stressed and worried.

"Freaking daisy cutters!" Trudy mumbles.

"Quaritch has taken over. He's rolling and there's no stopping him." Max looks at us worried,

"When?" I speak up.

"0600 tomorrow." He tells me.

"Max! Max!" A woman shouts out at him causing him to cover the camera, "Oh I gotta go." The call ends showing a 'signal lost' on the computer.

"Quaritch's bitch ass..." I mutter, "We're screwed!" Norm looks at me and Jake.

"And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom." Trudy chuckles laying her gun over her lap, "We're going up against gunships with bows and arrows."

I look down and back up at Trudy, "We have 15 clans out there. That's over 2,000 warriors. We know these mountains. We fly them," I pause and point at Trudy, "You fly them. They don't. Their instruments won't work up here. So if they bring the fight to us, we have the home advantage. We just have to use it." Norm shakes his head agreeing with me.

"You know he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls." Trudy softly asks me.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh and look down, "If they get to the Tree of Souls, it's over. That's their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors. It'll destroy them." Norm emphasizes.

" Then I guess we'd better stop him," Jake speaks up causing me to laugh softly.

"Damn right." I smirk.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

I walk up to the Tree of Souls and sit down.

I sigh and look down, "I'm probably just talking to a tree right now, which would be very embarrassing," I chuckle awkwardly a little bit, " But, if you're there, Eywa, I need to give you a heads up." I connect my queue to one of the vines that hung in front of me.

"If Grace is there with you, please, look into her memories. See the world we come from. Our planet has no more green. Us, humans, killed our mother. And they plan to do the same thing here too," I sigh and look down, "And I won't let it happen. It can't happen."

I sigh and look up at the tree, "More Sky People are gonna come. They are gonna come like a rain that never ends. Unless we stop them," I look back down, "Look, you chose me and Jake for something. We will stand and fight. You know we will. But we need a little help here. We can't do this alone, All mother. Please, we need your help." I put my head against the cool rock.

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