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(Na'vi will be in bold)

Me, Tsu'tey, Jake,  and a couple of other warriors ride up on our Direhorses to a stop on the Hallelujah mountains. We all get off and me and Jake walk over to the edge of the mountain to look up at what we are going to have to climb. I glance over at Tsu'tey as he gets his young warriors in order and ready for what is about to come.

"Oo-rah just has to be up there doesn't it?" I nervously look back up at the frightening climb, gulping. Jake grabs my shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze, "We got this. Think of it as us making our siblings proud." I never really thought about that. To be honest, I haven't thought about the whole school situation or my sister since we went there. I've been so busy I haven't had much time to think. Tsu'tey starts to climb up, hinting to us it was time. One by one we all climb up to the top. As we reached the top, I look around to see nothing.

"Tsu'tey?" I look at him confused, "Watch." Is all I hear before I see him jump over to a vine and start to climb. I put my head down on the rock feeling nauseous, "Oh my god. It's to be one of the people... It's to be one of the people." I mumble over and over again looking back up to see it's my turn.

I take a deep breath and leap, not giving myself time to think. My feet slightly dangle as I try to get a good grip on the vine and start to climb. I climb and climb all the way to the top. You would think that's it but no, we weren't done yet. I groan as we run across a long vine to another floating mountain. We run through a cave and then at the end, I see ikrans flying around. I gasp in shock, not seeing one in so long. Neytiri lands with her Ikran causing Jake to smile at her. Neytiri returned it with a sweet smile causing me to look at the both of them with a smirk.

Oh shit.

Me, Jake, and the warriors are standing in line as Tsu'tey looks at all of us as he walks by before he stops in front of me, staring down into my eyes. I always knew he was taller than me as I was rather short but this time, the height difference was far more intimidating. It made me get butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't tell if they were the good butterflies or the bad ones but either way, I have to focus!

His gaze made me want to curl up into a little ball in the corner, but at the same time, it made me want to challenge his boldness, as there was clear tension in the air.

"(y/n) will go first." He smirks at my shocked expression, "What? Why! Make Jake go first or something." He just shook his head and pointed towards the ledge, motioning for me to go. I sigh and slowly walk towards it, taking a deep breath. I start to slowly walk to where the Ikrans are. I stop once a while mountain side full of Ikrans came into view.

"Now you choose your Ikran. This you must feel inside. If he also chooses you, move quick as we practiced. You will have only one chance, (y/n). Make it count." Tsu'tey grabs my shoulder from behind, giving it a squeeze which quickly calms my nerves.

"How will I know if he chooses me?"

"He will try to kill you."

"Great." I mutter sarcastically, creeping out from behind the rock wall, "I mean worst thing that can happen is that I die. The best thing that can happen is I leave with some cuts, which I'm a doctor! I'll be fine." I try to talk to calm myself down as Ikrans start to hiss at me. I let my rope fall loose and slowly creep out more. Finally, one steps up to challenge me.

"Oh, you're mine, bitch." I hiss back at the animal as it roars at me. I stand defensively waiting for it to make a move, when the Ikran finally jumps at me, I duck and roll under it, immediately getting the upper hand. I wrap the rope around its mouth to keep it from biting at me. I jump onto its back as it flies back into the rock wall causing me to groan as I feel my back hit it. I take my hands and try to push its head down.

"Make the bond, (y/n)!" I hear Tsu'tey yells at me causing me to grab my queue quickly. I push all my strength down to keep it's head down. However, it throws me off the edge, causing me to grab onto a vine. My face collides with the rock wall and I taste blood start to fill in my mouth.


I climb back up and spit out some of the blood, "You picked the right one, bitch." I growl and grab the Ikran by its queue and lay down on its neck to hold it down. I quickly make the bond and feel an energy wave come over me.

"Calm..." I whisper as I feel the Ikran calm down. I slowly unwrap the rope and slide down to it's back. Tsu'tey jumps down from the rock and comes up to me, "Quickly, the first flight seals the bond. Go! Say fly!"

"Fly?" I take off of the side of the cliff causing me to yell and seal my eyes shut, "Shit! Fuck! Oh my fucking shit of fucks! Steady! Steady! Steady!" I scream out feeling the Ikran steady out with me. I slowly open my eyes to see I'm soaring over Pandora. I let out a nervous breath that I was hold in and laugh.


≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Grace? Can we talk?" I sit down next to Grace as she does her science stuff, "Yeah what's up kid?"

"I just want to tell you, I know what happened at the school. I just want to know about Willow. I want to know about my sister." Grace looks at me shocked, "Tsu'tey told me it all, and I understand. It's a hard memory. I just want to know what happened to her." She looks at me and straightens herself up in her seat.

"You're sister came 5 years after I started the school in 2147. She helped me teach there as she was highly educated on the Na'vi. She was wonderful and all the children loved her. She was even accepted into the clan. The day of what happened at the school happened in a blur. They shot at Willow and it terrified me. I didn't know if she was going to make it. I was glad she woke up because who knew what could have been in those darts? It could have killed her. We did notice Willow grow weaker and weaker and one day she got very ill. A couple of days passed and she was gone." Grace looks down at the memories. It didn't make sense though, she just got sick randomly and died.

"That doesn't make sense, she just got sick and died?" I asked her confused causing her to shake her head.

"(Y/n) that day at the school was beyond scary. She could have died that day. I'm just glad I had the time I had left to spend with her. " Grace looks up at me causing me to nod. I wasn't going to press on anymore. I was at a dead end. I think, at this point, I was just trying to make sense of it so it would hurt less, but there wasn't any way for that to work. I sigh and look down, "Do you have any of her old video logs?"

Grace smiles sadly at me, "Yeah kid. I'll show you them.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Me and Tsu'tey soar across Pandora on our Ikrans. I decided to name her meuia, which means honor in Na'vi but we all call her MeiMei for short. We finally land on a branch of a random tree, overlooking the beauty of Pandora. We sit down next to each other and enjoy each other's company.

Not once did we speak a word to each other, we were just with each other. That for us, was enough. I didn't know how to explain how I felt about Tsu'tey. I knew I was falling for him but I was scared to admit it. Deep down, I knew it would never work, knowing how much he hates skypeople and dream walkers but part of me had hope.

As long as I had that small bit of hope, I had hope for us. Maybe one day, it could come true. For right now, I was just going to enjoy being with him alone, no fighting, no arguing, just us together in peace.

I notice Tsu'tey glance over at me causing me to look back at him with a silly look, "What?"

"It's been awhile. We should check your arm." He points to the bandages still on my arm from so long ago. He scoots over closer to me and slowly peels over the old bandages.

"It looks good as new." Tsu'tey gives my arm a pat. I pull my arm away and laugh, "You're weird, Tsu'tey."

"It's only because I've had to hang around you everyday." He snorts as he watches my face fall at his comment.

"So mean, ZuZu."

"I told you not to call me that! I'm not your horse!"

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