Chapter 7

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Today it the day. I can't miss it this time so let's do this.

I jumped out of bed and did what I normally do. Put some music on and danced around for a while.

I grabbed my soccer bag that I never unpacked and put it on my bed along with my actually back pack.

What to wear today? Well before I could walk to my closet I heard someone calling my name outside my window.

"Hello neighbor slash boyfriend."

"Hello neighbor slash girlfriend. Haha hey I got you something but you can't get it until you get dressed."

(Yes I did get that from "The Duff". Fight me.)

"Okay. Let me get ready and I'll meet you outside."

"Hurry! You take forever to get dressed."

"Sorry. I'm a girl. Girls always take longer than guys to get ready. We have so much stuff to do."

"Yeah yeah. Go get dressed."

I still never told Marie about Zach and I. I'll tell her today though. Well she'll kinda figure it out for herself but whatever.

Oh crap I totally forgot I let Aza sleep in the guest room. I should go get her.

I walked down the hall and knocked on the door before I opened it.

"Aza are you in here?"

"Yeah I'm in the bathroom. I'm almost ready."

"Okay I was just checking on you. Meet me in the living room when you're done."

I walked out and I realized that I didn't even start getting ready yet. I ran into my room and straight into my closet. I just decided to wear jean shorts and a 5SOS t-shirt with some vans and for my hair I just brushed and straightened it.

When I was done I grabbed my stuff and walked down stairs to find Aza sitting on the couch watching some show.

"Ready Freddy?"

"Yep lets go."

I texted Zach and told him we were ready and to meet us outside.

"It's about time you guys are ready. You took forever."

"Oh quit complaining."

He just laughed a bit and walked over to me.

"Ready for your present?"


"Okay here."

He handed me a long dark blue box. When I opened it I was speechless. It was so beautiful. It was a bracelet that had a soccer ball on it and on the back it said 'Zach ❤️'.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. *hug*"

"You're welcome. I got one for myself too."

His was the same one except when I turned it over it said 'Lashea ❤️'.

"This is perfect. Thank you."

I kissed him and intertwined our hands as we started our journey to school.



The bell rang for lunch and Marie Aza and I walked to each other's lockers to pick up our books.

"So what's going on with you and Zach?"

"Well yesterday I got upset because of something stupid and I didn't come to school and I wanted to avoid him for a while but I talked to my mom about it and she talked me out of it. Then while I was waiting for Zach to get off of school I went to the Frozen yogurt shop where I met Aza here and went back home for a little bit. When it was almost time for him to come home I went to his house and just sat in his room. When he finally came we talked it out and he told me to go in his back yard with his lap top and wait for him so I did and a couple minutes later he came out dressed all nice and logged onto YouNow. I was so confused at first but when I saw Ray come with a giant teddy bear and some chocolate I started to freak out. He then gave this speech about the first time we met and he asked me out. On broadcast. After the broadcast I went home because Aza was there and Zach wanted to come over too so when just went swimming and hung out for the rest of the night."

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