Chapter Two

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I didn’t bother knocking on the door to Harry’s flat, because he always left it open for me when he knew I was coming over. I opened the door, or more likely, I let it fly open, and stepped into the flat. “HAROLD!” I screamed out loud when I didn’t see the face of my best friend in his living room. A very noisy sound from the bedroom told me Harry was on his way. I saw him coming running out of the bedroom and towards me … this was not going to turn out good. “BOO BEAR!” he yelled and almost slammed me to the ground when he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a time, but then we pulled apart.

“So where have you been all day?” he smiled at me.

“Oh, you know, places …”

He cheekily wiggled his eyebrows at me. “A girl?”  I immediately started to protest, but he cut me off. “We’re going to talk about this later.”

I guess he was right—I had to tell him and the lads at some point. And about the lads … “Where’s the others? I thought they’d be here, too,” I said and looked behind Harry to see if any of the boys was on their way out to us in the living room.

“They went down to pick up some pizzas.” I nodded and threw myself down in his black leather sofa, which strangely enough was really comfortable. I put one of the hard pillows under my head and closed my eyes. I knew I wasn’t going to fall asleep, but I was just massively exhausted after standing up against a stonewall for more than two hours in a row. I could hear Harry turn on the TV and sit down in one of the armchairs beside the sofa. In a couple of minutes the only thing I heard was the music of MTV play over the speakers, but then the door smashed open and what sounded like three teenage boys stepped over Harry’s doorstep. I flickered my eyes open and saw my three friends Liam, Zayn and Niall stand in the middle of the living room (actually I couldn’t see Niall, but I knew he was somewhere behind the lads). They all cried, “Lou!” and held out their arms for hugs, but I didn’t get up—I was way too lazy.

Zayn was defiantly in a great mood today. No one was going to get him down, not even my mood. “Vas’ happenin’?” he shrieked and grabbed the TV remote from Harry’s hand. He turned the music of Flo Rida’s “Good Feeling” up until the point it got unbearable loud. I rose from the sofa a little bit so I could throw my pillow at Zayn. He strangely enough laughed when I hit him perfectly in the face and I pointed a finger at him. “Turn that down,” I yelled. He only turned the volume even higher. Harry snatched the TV remote back from Zayn and turned off the TV.

“Nooo, Hazza,” he pouted in response. “How could you of all people do this to me?” Harry shrugged his shoulders and smiled dumbly at him.

“What, are you sleeping?” Liam said when he saw me laying on the sofa. I groaned and took a new pillow under my head. “Come on, Lou!” I didn’t react on their shouts. That was until Niall yelled, “We’ve got pizza!” and I sat straight up in the sofa. My head flicked around as I exclaimed: “Where?!”

I saw Niall and the others in the kitchen with five steaming hot pizza boxes. I wasn’t long on running over to them and chop a slice of my favorite pizza: Hawaii. I sat down at the mahogany kitchen table, already chewing fast on my pizza. “Oh my god,” I said as my eyes grew big. “Where did you get this? It’s heaven.” Niall answered me with his mouth full of pepperoni pizza, “I have no idea. I just needed my pizza.” I made an appreciative grimace.

Harry shot me a brief glance before he looked at the lads. “Louis is seeing a girl,” he said and sassily raised his eyebrows. Zayn and Niall gave each other a cheeky look and Liam’s mouth dropped open in excitement as he heard Harry’s words. “Who?” he asked Harry. “Ask him yourself,” he answered him. “I don’t know who it is either.” Every single pair of eyes in the room turned to me. I threw my hands up in front of me. “I have only just met her. We haven’t even been on our first date.”

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