Chapter Five

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I was sitting in my flat and watching a movie in the TV when my phone vibrated against my thigh. I fished it up of my pocket and looked at the up-lit screen’s display.

From: Secret number

You need to meet me in the coffee shop—now. Jess x

I bit my lip when I read the last part of the text … kisses from Jessica. Maybe she had liked the kiss earlier today just as much as I had? I had felt the sparks flying so clearly between us that it would be hard to think that she thought otherwise about me.

I didn’t hesitate on getting up from my sofa, even though it was crazily comfortable and I could lie there for hours more. I grabbed my jacket that hung on one of my maroon dining chairs and walked out of the door, locking it behind me. I shot a look at my watch. It was too late for the shop to be open, but I would go anyways—if Jessica wanted me to come I would be there as fast as I possibly could.

As I had expected it to, the coffee shop was closed for the day. A sign on the window said, “We’re closed!” and most of the lights had been turned off, so only a few spots of the shop were up-lit in the low lighting. The only person within my point of view was a young woman walking around the shop’s floor with a tea towel thrown over her shoulder. She had her back turned to me, but I knew the moment I saw her it was Jessica. Her long, brown hair was hanging loose down her back and her wavy curls hopped a little each time she took a step. She looked flawless as always.

I walked through the doors to the shop, but she didn’t seem to notice my entry. Jessica was cleaning the last few tables for spots of different kinds of cakes and coffee with a grey cloth, when I silent as the night sneaked up behind her and placed my arms around her waist. “Hey beautiful,” I said. Her hair flipped as she turned around by the sound of my voice. I smirked and leant in to slowly kiss her soft, pink lips.

Kissing her for the second time felt just as wonderful and amazing as the first. When our lips locked together it was like they fit perfectly together, like they were meant to be touching.

Jessica hung on for a little while longer before she abruptly broke off. “Hey.”

“I’m here,” I cockily said and felt a smile taking its form in the corner of my mouth.

“I see,” she grinned. The happy twinkle in her eye suddenly went dead and a new cold one took its place. “I have a request,” she flatly said. My forehead got furrowed when I sensed something was off.

“Sure, babe,” I said and nodded at her as to tell her to move on. She took a deep breath, before she told me what was on her mind.

“No one can know about us.”

A strike of mixed feelings hit me hard; a growing fear, anxiety and confusion. What was she talking about? We weren’t even together—we’d only been on one date and shared a few kisses. The shock from her words took my breath away. I had an urge to turn away from her and her cold, grey eyes and slam the door to the shop as I fled from the place, but something told me that it was not the time; that if I did that I would hurt her just as much as she did me just a moment ago.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I studied her pretty eyes that had turned into clear anxiety. She was obviously worried because I hadn’t said a word since her declaration and my face had become completely expressionless. It was her, who wanted us to be kept in secret, wasn’t it? Jessica wouldn’t have requested this if it hadn’t been something that meant a great deal to her; I knew her well enough to know that. Maybe this was for the best: She had to have a reason, even though she wasn’t ready to tell me about it in this instant.

Before I knew it my face had turned back to normal and the words had slipped.

“All right. I won’t.”

A small, credulous smile slowly spread on her lips. “Are you serious?” she happily said and threw her arms around my neck. I pulled her closer to me, until her head lied safely on my chest and her calm breathing tickled against my skin; just the way I liked to hold her.

“This means everything to me,” she whispered. “It really does.”

I hoped so, too.


When I Thursday morning woke up, the sunlight was streaming through my window and the sky was as blue and clear as I hadn’t seen it in months. I immediately knew the day was going to be something special and a rare kind of extraordinary. I looked at my phone’s screen and saw that it was 8 am; just the amount of time I needed to get out of the door and be at the college for my first class at 9. I also saw that today was May the 21st—the days had past quicker than ever and I had forgotten all about the dates.

I smiled when I realized that the date must be the reason of why I felt so great and non-morning-grumpy today. It was the 21st May, which meant that it had been exactly a month ago I had gone on my first date with Jessica; a month had passed since I had gotten to know a girl so lovely in all the possible ways.

My smile stiffened when I thought about the fact that none of our friends knew about us, or our dating. All we had told them was a lie—and I knew I was living on it. They thought we hadn’t seen each other since that first date and that things hadn’t gotten serious, but in reality it was the exact other way around.

Today I was going to do something special for her … and the ideas of what were already flying fast through my mind.

I grabbed my phone from the small bedside table and sent her a short text.

To: Jess

Hey babe, meet me at 8 o’clock tonight in the amusement park? :)  I’ve got a surprise for you … and don’t you dare eat before!

I pressed the “send”-button and hoped that it wasn’t too early for me to text her. I would hate it if I woke her up from her sleep.

Hoping to get an answer back soon, I jumped out of bed and quickly put on my basic clothes—colored chinos and a striped shirt—before I slipped on my favorite toms. I felt like today, and even more tonight, was going to be a successful experience. 

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