Chapter Fourteen

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Baby, you’re a firework! Come on, let your colors burst,” I gladly sang along to the radio sounding in the kitchen. I smiled a little as I opened my refrigerator and took out the milk; that song always got me in a good mood. I poured the milk over my cereal in a thin ray, before I put it back into the refrigerator. I then grabbed a spoon from one of the drawers and shoved it down into the cereals, still humming along to the song.

Late mornings like these were nice. Sundays to me meant sleeping in and not doing an effort to get anything done—which today included breakfast. Cereal was much better anyway; it tasted amazing with the right dose of sugar and I escaped the possibility of burning another meal whilst cooking it.

I grabbed the bowl and started shoving the cereal into my mouth whilst walking the last few steps towards the dining table. I settled down on one of the chairs by the table and pulled out my phone from my pocket whilst still eating. I noticed the new text that was on my screen in the second I laid my eyes on it.

From: Nialler

Come to my house tonight—there’s parteeeey!

I smirked at the invitation, before quickly answering the text.

To: Nialler

Is there going to be alcohol?

He replied within the minute.

From: Nialler

I’m Irish. What do you expect?

To: Nialler


From: Nialler

Cross that too.

To: Nialler

Hah, I’ll be there, mate ;)

From: Nialler

You better be!

I was just about to text him something back, when I heard a faint knock on my front door. I put my phone back in my pocket, dropped the spoon in the cereal and hurried out to the kitchen to turn the volume of the radio down to a reasonable level. Another knock sounded and I yelled a short, “Just a moment!” before walking out and opening the door. And what a surprise I got when I saw who was standing on my doorstep.

“Jess?” I stammered, unsure if my eyes were tricking me. I shut my eyes in a brief blink and when I opened them again, she was still standing before me. I wasn’t dreaming.

“Can I come in?” she asked, her big, grippingly grey eyes staring into mine. I felt like slamming the door in her face when I heard her request, but the small frown on her face and the way she nervously chewed on her full lips made me change my mind. She looked so anxious, if not miserable, that I couldn’t bear to shut the door for her.

“Um, yeah. Sure,” I said, stumbling over the words. I stepped aside, allowing her to come inside. She carefully took the one step through the doorway, before she stopped to look at me. “Thank you,” she said and a small smile appeared on her lips. She walked past me into the living room without dropping her coat at my hall stand - I supposed she wasn't going to stay for a long time.

“So,” I said, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck as I walked up to her. “I can figure you came here for a reason.”

“Yes, I …” she started out, but quickly seemed to loose her words. As the silence between us grew tenser, I shoved my hands into my pockets and started to exanimate the lines in my tree flooring.

“I guess I just wanted to talk to you,” Jessica said, finally breaking the silence. My eyes moved in an instant from the floor to her eyes. She wanted to talk to me? Why? We had broken up; trying to get over her was hard enough, and coming to my flat and asking me to talk with her only made it worse. I heard my thoughts speaking aloud: “Why?”

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