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"You." My brother spoke directly to peter.
"The only one who knew as much as argent about
Berserkers" scott accused
"You taught Kate.You helped her.All for power" scott said his voice full of rage
We all looked to peter and i sent him a scowl
"For my familys power to be rightfully inherited by me!" Peter spat
"Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy so incorruptible he wouldn't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified" peter snapped
"You dont deserve your power...not power like this" he spoke with a low growl his eyes glowing blue.His head snapped back as he shifted and
Sent a roar towards my brother.

Malia stepped forward roaring back at him before running at peter.Peter swung his arm sending malia flying into a piece of concrete with a groan
"Im sorry sweetheart,we'll talk about this later" peter spoks before turning his attention back to my brother.
Kira swung her sword until scott yelled
"Kira!" Causing her to step back.
"You were my beta first Scott...it was my bite that changed your life and my bite that can end it" peter threatened,i stepped closer to liam gripping onto his hand
"Then end it peter" my brother snapped
"Because you won't get another chance" he threatened
Peter roared and jumped at scott my brother doing the same launching himself at peter.Before they could reach each other i turned and put my head into liams chest my hands over my
Eyes as his wrapped around me.Roars and grunts were exchanged but i kept my head nestled into liams neck.
"Come on scott! Come on!" I heard peter say causing me to look up at them behind me,not moving my hands from gripping onto liam.
Peter threw my brother against a pillat before picking him back up only to throw him against a wall.
"Fight like an alpha" Peter yelled
Scott threw peter against a wall and landed a punch right to his chest and they continued fighting.
"You want to beat me,your going to have to kill me!" Peter yelled launching my brother into the  top of the wall.Liam stepped forward as peter snapped his head to look at us,I held on tightly to Liams arm as he stood infront of me.
I could tell he was terrified but he wanted to help scott,i stood next to him growling at peter and he picked up a bench throwing it towards us.
Liam grabbed me and shielded me from it before looking At Peter who roared ready to come at us both.My brother got up filled with rage as peter looked at him


We must of gave scott the push he needed because as peter swung at him he blocked every punch landing one last punch to his jaw,peter was sent flying backwards over a table and into a crate.Scott jumped onto the table,
"You were never an alpha peter...but you were always a monster" scott spat,Peter growled and sat up before scott landed a finishing punch to Peters face,knocking him out cold.

We all walked closer and scott turned to look at us all.He smiled at me and i smiled back,he made his way over and i ran at him throwing my
Arms around his neck pulling him into a hug.


"Theres enough yellow wolfsbanr to keep peter out for the trip back.But be careful."Argent warned
" your really going with them?" Scott asked
" i made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago they'll leave you alone.All of you...but only if i help them catch kate" he stated
"What if you cant?" Kira questioned
"I'll find her.Someone has to" he answered before walking away.
I stood with liam,his arm wrapped around my shoulders,mine rested around his waist.I leaned my head into his chest and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
I spotted derek and rushed over to him,he wrapped me in a hug.
"I'll be back before you know it addi" he reassured me
"But why do you have to go?" I asked but he didn't answer he just smiled
"Im just a call away plus i think you have a pretty good boy by your side to look after you" i followed his gaze to liam and smiled looking back at derek i hugged him again before joining my spot with Liam again.


"Then stiles said that Scott and Kira were stuck in mexico which is why they missed the game" liam spoke unsurely to coach
"Uh so we went down to mexico to drive them back from mexico and thats why the boys missed practice" i tried to reason with coach
"Cause we were all in mexico..." i stuttered
"You took Kira on a date to Mexico?" Coach questioned
"It was our first real date" scott replied
"In mexico?" Coach answered
"They wanted to do something special" stiles joined in
"Oh okay i believe you" coach replied
"Really?" Liam said hopefully
"Absolutely not" coach answered
"I've had experiences south of the border that would knock the genitals off you boys...and girl" coach whispered
"Still let me be clear to you two,This kids the best talent i've seen in years so he's your responsibility now" he directed to my brothers
"You boys are gonna stick together,you're gonna look out for each other and your gonna have each other's backs,You got it?" Coach mumbled
My brother smiled before he spoke
"We got it"
I beamed before walking out of school.


Scott drove us all to my house,Scott and stiles went into my brothers room.
"You coming?" I asked liam and he nodded following me to my room.
I put my bag down and began tidying my room.
"Uh addi- i wanted to uh talk to you about something" liam spoke nervously
"Uh okay what is it?" I questioned sitting next to him on my bed.
"Well since you uh helped me calm down on the way to La Iglesia i have felt- uhm i've been
Feeling- ugh" he sighed throwing his head in his hands as i laughed
"Is this your way of trying to ask me out?" I laughed and he looked at me lauging
"I'm so bad at it right?" He cringed and i laughed
"Yes dunbar i will be your girlfriend" i laughed and he let out a sigh of relief
"Oh thank god" he laughed before i pulled him into a kiss.

Anchor - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now