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Hayden was alive.I went to run towards
Her but as soon as i took a step,
"Stay right there!" A cop yelled,my eyes
Filled with tears as i looked at hayden,she looked away as if i wasnt there.
I felt completely alone,liams hand gripped onto mine,i could tell he was trying to reassure me
"I cant do it Liam,i need to get out of here" i panicked,She didnt even acknowledge me.I was filled with guilt,sadness,anger everything
And i couldnt stay there under the spotlight anymore.Liam looked at Mason and he nodded.I felt the panic building up inside me but before i knew liam had his arm around my waist and he was walking me out of there,
The cops shouted for us to come back but We didnt stop.We made it into the woods and we hid so we could still see Hayden but she couldn't see us.I stood against a tree my arms crossed over my waist and my head hung low.
"Are you okay?"Liam asked but i didnt answer i just looked down wiping the tears off my cheeks.
Liam noticed and he wrapped me in his arms,I
Placed my head against his shoulder in the
Crook if his neck as i cried.
"She looked at me like i was no one" i cried and liam held me.


We followed hayden,We stayed far enough back so her sister wouldnt see us
Following in her mirror but close enough so we could see.When they pulled up her sister got out
And went into the building,I got out of the car and walked up to hayden.She had her
Back to me but she must of heard or saw me because she suddenly turned around
Swinging her arm as i ducked under
"Addi!" She yelled
"Sorry" i said standing up
"What are you doing here?" She asked
"I sent you like 100 texts" i said
"I saw" she replied
"What? You saw thats it ?" I asked
When she didnt answer i moved on
"How could you not tell me that you're alive?" I said feeling betrayed
"Maybe because everyone left me for dead" she spoke,by this point liam stood beside me
"Dont you dare go there,i was by your side until the minute your heart stopped" i said pushing back tears
"Addi,you need to go" she stuttered and i scoffed with tears in my eyes.
We were interrupted by a roar,we all turned to look to see a werewolf but not any normal werewolf this one was huge
"What the hell is that?!" I yelled
"Run!" Liam yelled,he grabbed my hand pulling me beside him as we ran.
"What the hell is that thing? Addi? Liam?" she yelled but i was still angry
"I dont know just run!" I snapped

We kept running but we soon stopped at a massive ravine.hayden ran into the back of me nearly sending me off the edge,i stepped a foot forward to help stop myself and liam grabbed my waist pulling me back
"What do we do?" Liam asked
"Jump" i said
"Are you crazy?" Liam asked
"A little" i nodded pulling both him and hayden backwards,then we all ran and jumped over the ravine.Hayden and i landed on the other side but when i looked back Liam was hanging onto the ledge.I rushed over and grabbed his hand.
The monster landed a few feet away from us
"Do you trust me?" Liam asked me
"Always" i replied
"What? no!" Hayden said
and i grabbed onto her as liam grabbed my hand before letting go so we all fell down into the ravine.

When i woke up i was layed on a rock next to liam,My hand still in his.I groaned and sat up letting go of liams hand.Hayden walked over to me
"What the hell?! We could have died!" She yelled
"Are you alive?" I asked
"Obviously" she replied
"There you go then" i said as i forced the bone in my shoulder back into place.
hayden slapped liam across the face and he woke up.
"What are you doing?" He groaned
"Making sure your alive" she said
"Addi!" He said looking around when he caught eyes with me he sighed in relief
"Ohh i cant move my legs,Argh i think my back
is broken" he groaned
"Will it heal?" Hayden asked
"Eventually,i think" he said
"Good" she said before walking off
"Woah where are you going!?" I asked
"To find my sister and make sure she's okay" hayden snapped at me,
"You're gonna just leave us here?" I asked
"You pulled me off a cliff im lucky i healed" she scoffed
"I saved your life,i could have left you up there" i said
"This time" she said before continuing to walk away
"Who saved it last time?" I asked
"Theo" she replied disappearing off into the darkness and i stood up watching her
"Hey babe?" Liam asked
"Mhm" i said turning to face him
"A little help here?" He asked
"Oh right of course" i said walking over to him.

"Okay this is probably gonna hurt.A lot" i said and he took a deep breath.
I snapped liams back into place and he yelled
"Arghhh!" He yelled before groaning
"I'm sorry!" I said cupping his face in my hands
"It'll heal soon enough dont worry" i said
We waited until liam had healed and i helped him up,He rested his weight on me as i helped him walk out of the ravine.

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