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Liam stayed by my side until we got back to my house.
"You know my fighting days are over" deucalion said as he walked through my house that was littered with glass.
"Thats hard to believe.You once said you'd kill any living thing that got in your way." Scott said
"I said a lot of things.But,eventually the bodies pile up so high,that even a blind man cant ignore them." Deucalion replied
"So what? You moved into a cave and took a vow of uselessness?" I asked
"I changed.We should all try it and i live in a condo" Deucalion said looking at me over his shoulder.
"I liked the old Deucalion better." I nodded
"Well,maybe you've changed,but Gerard hasn't.And he's not gonna stop with Beacon Hills.He's got a map with places circled,Toulouse,Brasilia" scott started
"Logashkino,Zhengzhou,Nemetons of the world." Deucalion added
"You know him.You can outthink him,you can read him." Scott said
"You've beaten him before." Deucalion nodded
"He's got a lot of help now.Actually he's got pretty much everyone." My brother said
"You think Gerard's turned you into a pariah? Your power does that.You'll always be an
Outsider because of your abilities.Gerard wasnt the first person to capitalise on the general
Public's fear of the other...And he won't be the last" Deucalion said raised his eyebrows
"So help us stop him." My brother pleaded and Deucalion stepped towards him.
"I think you've realised that stopping Gerard now,means killing him." Deucalion said
"I'll do it" i said raising my hand and my brother frowned so i put it down.
"I'm sorry,Scott that chapter in my life's over." Deucalion said and he turned and began walking away.
"So thats it? You're just a pacifist now? What's gonna stop me from slashing your throat?" Malia asked
"Plenty" Deucalion said looking at Malia as
She growled and ran at him.She swung her arm and she moved,she stood up straight to find herself back to back with Deucalion.
"How'd you do that?" She sighed
"It's Bagua.A martial art that takes the path of least resistance." Deucalion answered as they shuffled around slowly in a circle.
"You think you're gonna beat me without fighting?" Malia asked confused
"I think you're going to beat yourself." Deucalion replied,by this point they were still back to back but Malia was now facing us. She looked at scott And he pointed At Deucalions legs and she nodded.She flicked her claws out and attempted to fight against him again with ended with her on the floor after one push from Deucalion.
He offered her his hand and she swiped it away and stood up.
"Okay so you can protect yourself.But what about everyone else who doesn't know Bugua?" Malia mocked
"They're just gonna get their eyes stabbed out?" She asked and Deucalion looked down
"Look what that war turned me into.i'm not afraid to lose my eyes again.I'm afraid to lose my soul." Deucalion said as he made his way towards the door again.
"You wont help us?" I asked
"I didn't say I wouldn't help you.I can offer you guidance.And my first piece of advice? You might need to lower your standards for allies." He replied and scott laughed softly
"I thought i was" he joked
"Lower than me" Deucalion nodded


My brother and Malia headed to Eichen House to speak to Peter and i split off and headed to the school after Liam Texted me.
I walked into the school and i spotted Liam and Theo stood with Gabe in the hallway.Liam
Jogged over to me and immediately wrapped me in a hug.He held me tightly and i looked at Theo confused,He pointed slightly to Gabe and that was when i saw the blood on his face.I
Wrapped my arms around Liam one rested on the back of his head.
"Its okay" i whispered and he nodded into my shoulder.He let go and i smiled at him reassuringly.I followed the three boys to a refrigerator.Gabe opened it and in sat 3 bodies all dead.My eyes widened and i looked at Gabe.
"Does the teacher know about this?" Theo asked
"Thats the teacher" gabe said pointing to one of the bodies.
"Unless theres a gun in there to,this isnt helping us find the shooter." Liam stated
"Why'd you hide these bodies?" I asked gabe,crossing my arms over my chest
"We didn't want to get get caught" gabe replied
"Caught doing what?" I spat
"Testing them.To see if they were werewolves.And they were" Gabe nodded
"We haven't tested you yet Addison" gabe smirked and i laughed remembering only Nolan knew i was a werewolf so i guessed he hadnt had the chance to tell Gabe yet.
"You wont lay a finger on her" liam threatened
"Besides,You don't need to" i said as i flashed my eyes yellow and Gabe froze slightly.
"You tested them Just like you tested Corey?" Liam asked
"But we didn't kill them.Look at their faces.Something else did that." Gabe rushed
"The Anuk-ite" theo breathed
"The what?" Gabe asked
"Why would it want to kill anyone? It feeds off fear.Dead people arent afraid." Liam asked
"Maybe the killing is just a by-product." Theo shrugged
"Of what?" I asked
"Of it looking for its other half.Which means its looking for a supernatural creature.Someone like us." Theo told us
"So these three could have been werewolves,Just not the ones the Anuk-ite was looking for." Liam nodded
"Which means you've been helping it" i spat looking at Gabe as i slammed the refrigerator shut.
"Idiot" i snapped
"I don't even know what you guys are talking about.I was just helping Aaron it was his idea to test everyone." Gabe shook his head.
"Whos aaron?" Theo asked
"He's on the lacrosse team.He's just a freshman." Liam replied
"Aaron didnt want to find more of us.He wanted to find his other half" liam stated
"He's the Anuk-ite" theo replied and my eyes widened with realisation.

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