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I sat on the field as Scott and Liam practiced their lacrosse shots,Scott turned around suddenly,looking behind him
"Did you guys feel that?" He asked
"Feel what?" Liam asked
"Thought i heard something.Forget it,Alright lets keep going" Scott said throwing the ball to Liam.
"Or we could call it" liam shrugged
"We gotta work on your back shots" my brother said
"Why?" Liam moaned
"Liam.Because they suck." My brother raised his eyebrows
"What are you talkin' about" liam said
"They're good right addi?" He turned to me
"Mhm sure babe" i smiled having no idea what they were saying because i wasnt listening.
"Your back shots.Which suck." Scott smirked and liam picked up a ball.
He got every ball in the goal
"Hm I must've been thinking about someone else" scott said with a confused face.
"Yeah.Maybe someone else who should be captain?" Liam said throwing the ball back to scott.
"We'll make it" scott said and the field lights began to turn off.
"Well,Gueds we have to go now." Liam said
"No we dont" scott replied his eyes glowing red,Liams eyes glowed yellow,I did the same to make sure i could see them properly as
they continued playing.
After a while,Liam suddenly stopped
"Whats wrong?" Scott asked and i looked up from my textbook
"Something's happening to Mason" Liam replied as i grabbed my bag my brother and i following him as he sprinted off the field.
We walked into the library and corey and mason came at us nearly hitting us with the objects they grabbed.They realised it was us and
sighed in relief.
"They were here.The Ghost riders." Mason rushed
"Here? Just now?" I asked
"I thought they left when the storm left" liam added
"I guess not because two of them were right up there." Mason said pointing to the balcony
"What were they doing?" Scott asked
"We didnt see when they cane in.We only saw them when we turned invisible." Mason said
Liam looked at corey stepping towards him
"You brought him into this?" Liam snapped and Mason stood infront of corey.Corey looked
At me hoping i would pull liam back but i was fully on liams side so i just shrugged at him.
"He was trying to protect me" mason defended corey
"Uh,They didnt seem to care about us.They- They walked right by us." Corey stuttered
"Then what happened?" Scott asked
Mason and Corey looked at each other as if they were trying to remember.
"Uh...Then they just jumped down and left." Mason answered
"Thats it?" I asked
"Yeah" corey answered
"They didnt take someone? They was nobody else in here?" I furthered my questions
They looked at each other again.
"No.It was just us." Corey stuttered


Later in the day after school there was a knock at my bedroom door
"Come in" i shouted expecting to see Scott
But instead liam opened the door.
He had a frown on hid face,
"Oh hey what are you doing here?" I asked and he layed with his head on my stomach as i was layed on my bed.
He told me how he had argued with Corey and everything he said.I ran my hands through his hair as he kept talking.
"I don't know why Mason trusts him?" He said
"I'm not sure" i replied then liams phone rang,he picked it up
"Its corey" liam said rolling his eyes as he stared at his phone screen,I pulled his phone out of his hand and answered the call.
"Liam,Can you meet me at the school.Its important please" corey spoke not even saying hello
"I will tell him to do so" i said and corey stopped
"Oh,hi addi just- the two of you meet me at the school okay?" He pleaded
"Okay" i agreed and ended the phone
"Do i have to?" Liam moaned and i pulled him off the bed
"Yes,We are doing this for Mason" i said pulling Liam out of my bedroom.


We met up with Corey outside of the Library,
"I just wanted to tell you...that i was wrong" corey said walking towards us slowly
"I thought we could hate each other and it wouldn't matter.But it does matter.It matters to Mason and he matters to all of us." Corey said
"Look i'm not trying to come between you." Liam started as we walked forward
"Neither am i.But if we keep up like this,he might feel like he has to choose." Corey saif
"You want me to just act like nothing happened?" Liam asked
"We could work together.Maybe we could find sonething together." Corey suggested to the two of us.
"Yeah like what?" I asked
"Like a trace of them." Corey mumbled
"A ghost rider" liam added

Corey held his hand out to Liam
"You want to do this? Hold my hand" corey said
And liam looked at me
"Keep hold of addi's hand" corey said to liam who already had hold of my hand.Liam sighed and
Dropped his hand into Coreys,the three of us immediately turning invisible.
"Wow" I whispered as i looked around.
We walked into the library the three of us still holding hands.
"Do you even know what we're looking for?" Liam asked
"If its a book we'll be here a while" corey said and liam laughed slightly
Liam looked up towards the balcony and squeezed my hand gently
"Do you see that?" He asked and I followed his gaze to a small white card
"Let go.Do you still see the card?" Corey asked
Liam let go of coreys hand making both him and i visible,i looked up to where the card was but saw nothing
"No.Its gone" i said
I heard Coreys footsteps then he turned back visible as he stood on the balcony holding the card.
"Can you see it now?" Corey asked
"Yeah.I can" liam answered

Anchor - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now