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I headed to the school to meet liam and mason.
When i got there Liam jogged over to me
Wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.
I wrapped my arms tightly around his body and his head rested on my shoulder.
We pulled apart and walked over to Mason,Then we all entered the library.
We walked in and Liam looked around as though he was replaying the events of the supermoon.
I didnt say anything instead i just placed my hand in his with a small smile.
Mason grabbed a book and Liam stood almost like he was in a daydream,he didnt move and
I could hear his heart beat rising
"Liam..." i said softly to which he snapped out of it and we walked over to a table.
Mason flipped through the book
"This is the one,see these these are ley lines,they're mapped according to telluric currents" mason told us
"Stiles said that he and lydia were looking at the intersections" liam added
Mason traced his finger along the map,
"Probably this one" he said pointing to the map
"But they never found it.They kept going
Out there to look, but they said the nemeton has to want to be found" liam said
"Theres a supernatural tree that has to want to be found in order for you to see it?" Mason asked
"Yeah" i nodded
"Thats awesome...we should just make a copy of" mason started but he was interrupted by liam ripping the page out of the book.
He closed the book and we followed Liam.


"This is it there should be a clearing here...maybe the clearing doesnt want to be found either" mason added
I felt sadness and guilt rise over me,we were never going to find hayden,I felt tears in my eyes so i put my hands over my face then crouched down and sat on my knees
Liam and mason sat beside me,Liams hand rested on my shoulder
"I couldn't save her" i said covered in guilt
"No one could" mason said
"I was standing right there.My mom did everything medically possible and i couldnt do anything to help" i added
"While i was trying to kill scott" liam said looking at me as if he was putting the blame on
Him and not me
"You guys cant take all the blame.I mean there was like,800 extenuating circumstances" mason told us
"It wasnt just the moon" liam added
"I wasnt effected by the moon i was just...helpless" i added
"Then it was losing hayden,The fear" mason said looking at me
"The anger of scott breaking hi promise to you" he said looking at liam now
"And theo took advantage of it" he added
"Or maybe it was just me,maybe it is my fault because i should have found a way to help her" i mumbled
"Your both werewolves,there was a full moon.A super moon.You cant let yourself-" mason stopped and we looked at him as he stood up.
"What?" Liam asked
"The nemetons a beacon for supernatural creatures right?" Mason asked
"Yeah" i replied
"So what if it takes a supernatural creature to find it" mason said
"We are supernatural creatures and we cant find anything" i replied
"But you've been looking with your human eyes" mason told us,liam and i looked at each other before he looked down.We both flashed
Our eyes bright yellow and looked around
My jaw dropped and my eyes turned back blue
"Mason.Mason!" I whispered pulling him closer
"What? What?" He asked and i pointed
Through the gap in the trees where the nemeton stood.
"Look" i said
"I dont- i dont see any" he stuttered and i put my hand on his shoulder.
"Intense" he muttered and i ran over to the nemeton
"Theres only four here" liam stated
"That means four chimeras are missing" mason added
"I only care about one for now,Haydens alive she has to be" i replied
"Okay maybe your right,either way we gotta
Tell someone about this.We get the cops down here figure out whos dead,whos alive and whos whatever.Sound good?" mason asked me
Suddenly,Bright white lights flashed behind us,causing us to turn around squinting
"You three! Stay right where you are!"
A cop warned
"Thats it.Thats where i found the bodys" a familiar voice said and the girl stepped into view
"Four of them" she finished
"Hayden" i whispered in shock

Anchor - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now