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"Stilinski said no,didn't he?" Malia asked
"Yeah" my brother replied
"But we're going anyway?" malia asked
"Yep" scott confirmed
"Or you could stay here and help us convince Gwen shes in danger?" Liam proposed and i looked at scott awaiting the answer.
"Its not your job to convince her" he said looking between us,
"Its your job to keep her safe" scott said his eyebrows raised and i sighed
"Just kidnap her" malia said and i looked at scott
"That would be so much easier" i laughed
"Do not kidnap her!" Scott replied
"We'll be back tonight after we talk to Stilinski's dad." Scott told me
"Do we really have to do this?" Malia asked
"He's our only lead" scott said
"Okay.What if the ghost riders show up?" Liam asked
"Then you'll handle it,Liam" he said
"And look your not alone.You've got Addi,Mason and Corey.Okay?" He said and liam looked at me so i smiled to show i was there for him.
"Just find a safe place for Gwen and keep her there." Scott told us
"Any suggestions?" I asked
"It doesn't matter as long as she's safe." Scott said before walking out the door.Malia leaned into Liam and I.
"Kidnap her" she said
"Do not kidnap her!" Scott shouted from outside and i laughed slightly.


"Until we find a safe place for Gwen,We need to know her location at all Times." Liam said
Liam,Corey,Mason and I all sat around a table at the school library.
"Okay thats great while we're at school but,What happens after that?" Mason asked
"She could go anywhere." He added
"Addison could ask her" Corey added and my eyes widened
"We dont have to.I know where she'll be tonight,Nathans party" i said showing the invite on my phone.
"I mean,she's been asking everybody in school about Phoebe.I'm sure she'll do the same tonight." I suggested
"We can't keep her safe at Nathan's.We need a place where supernaturals can't get in." Liam said and i smiled
"I know a place." I smirked


The music boomed as i walked through my house,The safest place i could think of,It has a mountain ash barrier thanks to my mom so i found it pretty safe.
I found Liam and he sighed,He watched someone put a drink down on the cabinet and quickly picked it up
"Hey,Not there!" He said handing the drink back.
A picture of Scott and I fell off of
The wall,Liam lunged and caught it.He looked at it and Smiled.
"Yikes" i laughed
"Thats you?" He asked looking surprised
"Oh yes,the start of high school.A Bad haircut,Spots all over my face and Braces not a nice combination" i laughed and he hung the picture back up.Just as he did so Nathan bursted through the door and pinned Liam to the wall.
"Hey!" I shouted and stepped towards him and one of Nathan's friends reached for me.
"Touch me and i will break your hand" i threatened as i scowled.
"You stole my party! What,are you gonna steal lacrosse captain to?" Nathan teased
"I didnt think you'd be mad" liam stuttered
"How'd you think I'd take it?" Nathan spat
"In hundreds" i said holding the money between my fingers.Nathan snatched the money and cheered
"Get out of here asshole" i snapped and he left.
"I'm starting to think this wasnt a good idea" liam mumbled
"Scott told us to do whatever it takes to keep Gwen safe." I replied
"What if your mom finds out? She already doesn't like me" liam whined
"Dont be a baby,She's got the night shift.She won't be home until 4:00am and we'll have this place cleaned up way before then" i smiled
"Scott told us to protect Gwen.And putting her in a house lined with mountain ash,is a good plan.Believe in the plan" i said
"Come on Mr dunbar" i smirked and he smiled as i grabbed his hand dancing my way through the crowd.
I stood in the kitchen with Liam and poured myself a juice before pouring Liam one.
I handed it to him,
"God i miss being able to get drunk at parties now we are stood here drinking juice" i laughed and he looked at me
"Its not that bad" he smiled before leaning in and kissing me.I brought my hands up to his face running my hands through his hair.His twisted around me,resting on my lower back pulling me into him.We pulled away and i smiled before looking around.
"Have you seen Gwen?" Liam asked
"Over there" i said nodding to behind him,
"Talking to everyone but me." I said
"Hey you know what? If the ghost riders dont come tonight,this will be our first okay date." Liam said and i smiled
"And someday,we will do a whole lot better than okay" i promised before bringing my hand up to the back of his neck pulling him into another kiss.I smiled before i looked behind him seeing Gwen walk off.
"I better go" i said before rushing after Gwen.

"Oh my god!" Gwen yelled as we ran down the stairs,Liam stopped her
"Whats wrong?" He asked
"I saw him!" She said before turning around to look behind me.
"He's right there" she mumbled
"Don't you see him?" She asked us and i looked but i couldnt see anyone.
She ran through to the kitchen and i ran after her
"Liam its a ghost rider!" I heard corey shout
"Where?" Liam asked
"Headed for the kitchen" corey replied
"Right there!" Corey said and he grabbed the ghost riders arm.It turned to face corey and threw him into the wall everyone shouted and backed away.
The ghost rider headed towards me as i stood infront of Gwen.
"Everybody out now!" Corey yelled and everyone ran outside leaving the house.
I stood infront of Gwen and mason ran infront of me placing mountain ash infront of the ghost rider.

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