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I sat with hayden for a while,i wasnt letting her out of my sight.She stood up and looked in her bag before she stood up straight.Her eyes wide.
"Guys.I think i might need a little help right now.I forgot my pills,i have a bottle in my locker i can get them,But i-" hayden said looking from
Me to scott,
"I'll get them" scott said
"Whats your combination?" He asked.


I moved the cabinet and scott walked out the door,He turned to me
"You'll keep her safe?" Scott asked me and i nodded
"I'll do everything in my power" i reassured him, lydia guarded the door as he left.
It was 10 minutes later and scott wasnt back,i was pacing around the locker room.
"Scott?" Lydia whispered before walking out into the hallway
"Lydia?" I questioned
"I'll be right back" she told me and i shut the door and kept pacing around.
We stood around one of the lockers after lydia hadnt return,i felt like my heart was beating a million times a minute,
"Addi,did you hear that?" Liam asked
I froze looking at liam terrified
"They're here arent they theyre in the school" hayden asked,Liam looked at me then started walking forward,i stayed stood infront of hayden
"Scott? Lydia?" Liam questioned
Suddenly the door opened and one of the dread doctors stood there,He stepped forward and liam and i took our position stood infront of Hayden.
Then the other two dread doctors walked in.
Before i knew it we were grabbed by the dread doctors.I let out a roar hoping scott would
Come and save us but there was nothing.

Malia,Scott,Lydia and mason arrived in the locker room.
"Theyre gone" lydia whispered
"Addi,hayden and liam are gone" malia announced


When i woke up i was laid next to liam.I turned my head to see hayden layed on an operation table.
"Hayden" liam tried to call out
The dread doctors surrounded the table
"No,dont hurt her!" I tried to yell
"Hayden!" Liam and i yelled
While the dread doctors worked on hayden i looked around the room and then to the thick black tube in my arm.I groaned and looked
At hayden,just as the dread doctors where about to inject a needle into her,i looked at liam
"Liam i cant do this- i cant watch" i whispered tears dripping down my face
"Its okay just look at me okay?" He whispered to me calmly taking my hand.
"Stop!" Liam groaned
"Stop hurting her !" Liam yelled
One of the dread doctors looked over
"Stop hurting her!" Liam repeated
Within seconds his eyes glowed yellow and he let out a roar,the dread doctor walked over kicking him in the face.

The dread doctors threw hayden down next to me,liam was still knocked out
"Hayden" i groaned
"Hayden?" I said as she gasped
"Are you okay?" I asked
"It hurts" she groaned
"Give me your hand" i said and she passed me her hand
"Theres something that scott does,Liam has done it to me once.He can take away the pain,I've never done it before but i can try" i stuttered and she nodded.i tried but I couldn't do it,
"I'm sorry" i said as she gasped holding her side
"Why are they doing this to us?" She asked
Then liam woke up.
He groaned and i turned my head to him,i tried to sit up but i couldnt.
"Liam are you okay?" I asked and he groaned but nodded,I brought a hand up to his face.
And he smiled slightly and i held back tears,the pain in my arm was not going away.

I managed to sit up and hayden did the same.
I looked at liam and i held his arm as he pulled himself up.
"We need to get these out" i said looking down at my arm
"I'll do it,i'll pull them out but,it'll probably hurt" hayden hesitated
"We'll be okay" liam said
I looked at him scared but pushed the fear away.
I sat up right close to liam holding his hand
And i looked at hayden and nodded so she started pulling on the tube.
Liam groaned and yelled and i put a hand on his face
"Your okay" i said to him
"Keep going" i mouthed to hayden
The tube came out and we moved onto me,I looked at liam scared
"No i- i dont-" i started but liam pulled me closer to him and i sat with my back against his chest
I slowly nodded at hayden.
She pulled on the tube and i yelled
"Its okay" liam whispered to me as tears fell down my face,i gasped when the tube was finally out.
"I'm so sorry are you both okay?" Hayden asked
"It'll heal" i said nodding
"We'll all heal" liam said before i caught a glimpse of the dread doctors.They grabbed hold of us.As we all yelled,i watched as they put a needle into haydens neck
"Hayden!" Liam and i shouted


I woke up to Liam gently shaking me and hayden looking at me.
"Addi wake up" liam said as i looksd around
"Where are we?" I asked
"I dont know" liam replied
Liam stood up and started walking over to the gate,he put his hand on the gate and shot back to the floor as he was shocked by electricity.

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