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I layed in the bodybag as parrish drove the van,My bodybag was layed on top of another and i was really hoping it was Liam or one of my
Brothers not an actual dead person.I stayed as still as i could as parrish and the guard looked in the back of the van.
"Open them up please" the guard said and my heart dropped.
I heard parrish unzip a bodybag and then i heard the guard groan.
Parrish then starting unzipping another bodybag.Which happened to be my bodybag.My heart jumped but i relaxed as the guard spoke
"No,no go just go" the guard said as parrish zipped the bodybag back up.

About 5 minutes later we had been moved.
I slowly unzipped my bodybag and i lifted my head out,gasping.I climbed out of the bodybag and i met eyes with scott,i nodded and watched liam unzip his bag,He gasped and i smiled nearly laughing.
Stiles gasped and looked at scott,
"Oh my god.Never again" he warned and scott nodded in agreement
"Please tell me it was one of you that i was layed on and not a dead person" i pleaded
"Yep that would've been me" Stiles replied and i sighed in relief
"Ohhh i'm so glad it wasnt a dead guy" i breathed
"15 minutes starting now" scott told us as the boys jumped off the tables.Liam held out a hand and i grabbed it jumping off the table.
Of course stiles fell but it was the usual so everyone ignored him
We all walked over to the door and scott pressed his ear onto the door and stiles walked into the back of me leaving me sandwiched in
Between Stiles and Liam,
"Watch it dumbass" i whispered and he scowled
As we left the room.

We rounded a corner to see 2 guards stood talking.Stiles pushed scott back,Scott pushed liam back and liam pulled me into him so i was once again sanwiched
"Seriously?" I whispered
"I can take them" liam whispered
"No one's taking anyone" scott whispered back
"How much time?" Stiles asked
"Three minutes" scott huffed
"I'll just knock them out and hide the bodies" liam whispered
"Oh, my god,please stop" stiles whispered
Suddenly the patient in the room opposite us banged on the window making me jump
"Oh shit" i said jumping back
"Did you take the doctor?" The patient said
"What?" Liam whispered
"Did you take the doctor?" He asked again
I looked at Scott then back at the patient
"I havent had my medication.I need ten milligrams at 8am,15 milligrams at 1pm and no more than 20 at dinner." He rushed
"We'll get the doctor" my brother whispered
"Dr.Fenris" the patient said
"Dr.Fenris" the patient repeated
"They took the doctor" the patient sobbed
Before banging on the window.He banged against the window again catching the 2 guards attentions. The patient Kept shouting at us
"Can somebody shut him up" stiles whispered
My brother flashed his eyes red before
Growling at the patient making him jump back

The guards left and we followed Stiles down the hallway,Liam had his hand on my lower back not taking his eyes off the patient until he was out of sight.The lights suddenly dimmed,
"She did it.Kira did it." Liam said
"Five minutes to get to lydia" scott followed
Stiles lifted his hand up and placed the key card against the door
"Wheres the card reader?" He asked and we looked around the door.
"It should be here.it has to be here." Stiles rushed
"They must Have taken it out when the dead doctors got through" scott explained
"Are you telling me we came all the way down here just to be stopped by an ordinary key? Are you kidding me?" Stiles said
"We dont need a key" liam said looking at the door
"Not if we can break it down" liam finished

Scott,Liam and i all pushed against the door but it was no use,the mountain ash barrier was too strong.
"Guys were running out of time" stiles rushed and we all let go of the door,out of breath.
"We cant.The mountain ash.Its too much" i gasped,Liam clenched his fist and looked at the door
"Hit me" he mumbled
"What?" Scott said
"Are you crazy?" I breathed
"Hit me,i'll get angry then i'll get stonger" liam said looking at scott.Scott looked at Stiles and I
"Hit him.Hit him!" Stiles told scott and i
Sighed,liam nodded to tell me he'd be okay
"I tried to take your powers"
"I tried to Kill you"
"Hit me!" Liam yelled
"He also left you for dead" stiles added
"I wanted you dead" liam teased and my brother landed a punch across his face.I scrunched
My eyes shut and liam gasped
"Do it again!" Liam yelled
I heard Scott land another punch as Liam grunted and yelled
"Its gotta be harder than that" stiles spoke and i kept my eyes squinted shut
"Do it!!" Liam yelled and he grunted and growled so i opened my eyes and scott
Landed another punch.Liam looked up,his eyes glowing bright yellow,his fangs showing as he growled
"You angry?" Scott asked and liam roared
"Me too" scott replied and they both grabbed the door pushing against it.Suddenly the door clashed to the floor.
"Stiles go!" Scott yelled and stiles ran past towards the closed unit.
Liam bent over,his hands resting on his knees,taking deep breaths and i rushed over to him.
I placed my hands on his cheeks and he looked up at me as he stood up,
"I'm okay" he breathed and i nodded pulling his head down slightly to mine,He rested his forehead against mine as he caught his breath,His hands rested on my hips.
"You boys are crazy" i laughed looked at my brother shaking my head and he just laughed catching his breath.

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