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The ghost rider placed his hand against the
Barrier.He looked at me and Gwen before getting his whip out,and he hit the barrier.
"We can't let him get through" liam said and i realised he was on the other side of the barrier with the ghost rider.
Liam grabbed a lamp and smashed it over the ghost riders head,The ghost rider stumbled before throwing Liam against the wall.
He whipped at the barrier again,
"Guys he's breaking through" Mason yelled
I stood still infront of Mason and Gwen i let out a low growl and my eyes flashed yellow before
Returning to blue.
Liam and Corey struggled against the ghost rider.Liam and corey were both layed on the floor groaning as the ghost rider took another swing at the barrier.
"Okay we're leaving right now" mason said grabbing Gwens hand.I stepped forwards towards the barrier growling,bearing my fangs.
Mason and Gwen ran back inside as the ghost rider broke through the barrier.
He wrapped his whip around Gwens ankle as she fell to the floor.I grabbed onto her hands
Pulling her towards me,Mason grabbed hold of my waist and helped pull me backwards
As I kept tight hold of Gwens wrists.
"Freeze!" Parrish shouted as he ran into my house.
"Let her go!" He yelled holding his gun aimed at the ghost rider.
The ghost rider continued to pull on the whip.
"Shoot him Parrish!" Liam yelled
"Everyone down now!" Parrish shouted and Mason and I ducked down,My hands still tightly wrapped around Gwens arms.
Parrish fired multiple shots at the ghost rider but it just turned to look at him.He pulled his
Whip off of Gwens leg and i pulled her towards me.The ghost rider walked towards Parrish.
"On your knees!" Parrish shouted as
the ghost rider walked towards him not stopping.
"On.Your knees" parrish threatened
The ghost rider stood staring at Parrish,Leaves blew all around them until the ghost rider was gone.

Scott came home and he froze looking around.
"You said to keep Gwen in a safe place" i said defensively
"So we brought the party here" i smiled
"Who said to throw a party at all?" Scott said staring at me
"Atleast we saved gwen" i shrugged
"But you both saw one of the ghost riders" scott said walking towards Liam and I
"Corey made him visible so we could fight him" liam shrugged
"Okay but doesnt the book say if you see the wild hunt you'll be taken to?" Scott reminded us
My eyes went wide as i shared a glance with Liam
"Everyone at the party saw him" liam mumbled
"Does that mean that..." liam started
"They're all gonna be taken" scott finished
"I should have been here." Scott said and i looked down.
Liam and i cleaned up downstairs while Scott talked to Sheriff Stilinski upstairs.
I hadnt spoken much i just kept my head down.
"Whats wrong?" Liam asked
"Nothing" i said with a fake smile.
He raised his eyebrows at me,
"Addi,We have been together that long that i
Know your lying,How about we try again
Whats wrong?" He asked again with a small smile.I sat down on the sofa playing with my hands.Liam sat next to me
"This is all my fault" i breathed
"We saved Gwen" liam said
"This time.The ghost riders wont stop until they
Have taken everyone at that party" i mumbled
"Including you and i" i said looking at him
And he nodded,
"i will do anything to protect you,You know that right?" He said placing his hand on my leg
I nodded and smiled
"I love you" i whispered as i put my head on his shoulder.
"I love you too" he whispered back.

Anchor - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now