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The next day at school,I entered the library and saw liam sat on the stairs,His head down
I walked over to him
"What are you doing?" I asked with a smile
"Thinking" he replied and i sat next to him on the step infront,i looked up to him and he looked
Back at me
"I know how you look up to Scott and how you
Feel about him,he just needs a little more time" i said softly and he nodded with a smile,
"Thank you" he said
"Always" i replied
I gave him a kiss and we left for class.


Later in the day,School finished and i walked
With Liam to his house.we got there and his mom opened the door she gave liam a kiss on the cheek and opened her arms to me
"Addison,Hi love,how are you?" She spoke softly
"Hi Mrs Dunbar,I'm Okay thank you" i said hugging her,She smiled and left and i followed Liam up to his room.
"I think my mom loves you more than she loves me" liam joked
"Well what can i say,i'm just amazing" i joked
"Yes.Yes you are" liam agreed pulling me in by my waist,i rested my hand on his chest and played with the collar of his shirt.
"Your amazing and funny and beautiful and just my favourite person ever! Even if you are
Mean to me sometimes" he joked pulling a sad face
"Oh shut up" i joked pushing him away from me but he kept hold of my waist and pulled me down with him.Luckily we had a soft landing as we
Crashed onto the bed.I gasped
"So help me god,Liam Dunbar i will end you!" I shouted and burst out laughing.
"Oh really? Well what if i do this?" Liam said before tickling me
"Ah! No liam! Liam stop please!" I shouted in between my laughter.He stopped and i pouted
"I'm sorry darling" he joked
"Your an idiot " i joked with a pout
"Yeah but i'm your idiot" he smiled trying to hold back his laughter
"Ew" i laughed and he burst out laughing
"Oh uhm...theres been something i wanted
To talk to you about" i started
"Okay? What is it?" He said softly
"The other day when you called me,You uh...you
Said something and i'm not sure if you
Realised you said it or if you meant it or if it just came out- and i'm not sure if you remember i-" i stuttered nervously
"I remember" liam cut me off and a smile spread across his face
"And i meant it" he said and a smile beamed across my face
"I love you" Liam spoke softly as he placed his hand on my cheek
"I love you too" i replied before leaning in and kissing him.
Just when we were sharing this perfect moment,
Liams phone went off,He pulled away and i laughed as he groaned answering the call
"Mason,This better be important" he joked but his face went from a smile to fear in a second.
He ended the phone and grabbed my hand
"We need to go see scott,Mason is meeting us at your house" he said pulling me out of his room.
He filled me in as we arrived at my house,we walked through the door and scott woke up.He layed on the sofa looking at Liam,Mason and i confused.
"Whats wrong?" He asked sitting up slightly concerned
"I found out something from Corey.We know what Theo's doing" mason started
"He's looking for an alpha" liam added
"A blind Alpha" i finished
"Deucalion" scott said looking at me as i nodded

Anchor - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now