Chris Evans - Delirium (PT 2)

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Chris Evans "dating" West End actress.

Source says Evans and new girlfriend are 'very much loved up' after pictures emerge at star's birthday dinner with brother.

I groan as Scott sends me through all the new articles that have popped up over the course of the week. Seems like no one is dropping this and Chris's team aren't exactly doing much to quash it either.

I thought you said your team would handle this?  I send him a message, not expecting him to reply straight away.

They're working on it - it'll blow over soon. I'll speak to Megan again. C

Yeah. Working on it for him, but what about me? I'm getting messages everyday, some telling me how lucky I am and others basically telling me I suck at my job and need plastic surgery.


Well tell her to hurry up and put out a statement, I'm getting hounded by people who call themselves your fans!

Immediately my phone goes off and it's him. "I swear to god, I'd hate to be the one dating you for real right now". I tell Chris grumpily as I answer.

"You need to de-activate your social media for now. I told you to..." He starts.

"Why the hell should I? It will only look like we actually are a thing!" I half yell at him and then let out a frustrated 'ugh!'. "Why are your team taking forever to deny this!"

He sighs. "Because with the current promo tour, they're seeing it as a positive for Lightyear and your show".

"You've got to be fucking kidding me". I sink further into the chair I'm sat in. "What the hell happened to 'I'm sorry this is happening to you' and all that? Don't you care about what people are saying about me? Because I've got screenshots of this shit!"

"I know, I know". He says, sounding mentally drained either from promotion or this whole thing. Probably both if his schedule is anything to go by. "I'm gonna give Megan a call, hold tight".

The frustration is real. "How much longer do I have to? It's my day off and I can't go out because last night I had an incident where people were looking at me in Tesco!"


"Grocery shopping Chris! Jesus Christ I can't even do that!" I can feel myself becoming upset. "They know my name, my age, what I do - I don't want this! And it's Megan who is keeping this going all for the sake of publicity for your fucking Buzz Lightyear film!"

There's silence, and he can obviously tell I'm upset. He's used to this kind of thing, but me? I only get recognised by people who wait by the stage door after the show. That I'm content with, but having false news about me plastered everywhere? I don't want it.

People would say I should suck it up and go with it as he's hot and, well, He's Chris. They would kill to be in my position, but that's not the point.

"Tamsin". His voice is softer now. "I will call her now, okay? Think you can wait just a while longer?"

My voice cracks. "I want this denied, I want to see every fucking article with the statement that we're not together. Please?"

"I'll see it's done. Go make yourself a tea, or whatever you drink. I'll message you later ok? Have you got a show later?"

"No. It's my day off".

There's a pause. "I'll call her, then I have to head to a couple of interviews, but after that I'm free. We can talk then, that alright?"

It's going to have to be.

"Yeah...ok". I tell him.

We hang up not really saying a goodbye either, but I text Scott to let him know what's going to be apparently happening. He'll sort it out. Trust me ;) He replies to me.

He knows his brother. He knows he won't let this snowball into something that's nothing.

Now all I have to do is wait for his call, and it can't come soon enough. 

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