Chris Evans - Headlines

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"IF SHE WANTS TO GET IN TOUCH THEN SHE KNOWS WHERE TO CALL"  - Chris Evans shoots his shot with model Eden Quinn

The headlines are all the same as I wake up and note the mountain of messages across my phone and social media alike - mainly from friends who need me to see this apparent interview that's come out overnight from the states.

I read through them, watch the Tik Tok's that are being sent, and in all honesty? I'm amazed that Chris Evans knows who I am or that I even exist. Either way it's certainly putting the ball right in my court.

"I'm guessing you've seen this little story going around?" Emily, my publicist calls sometime later and I laugh.

"Yeah, not exactly what I'd call 'little' though", I admit. "I thought he was like engaged or something?"

"Nope, he's single alright. He's also coming to London in a few days for the premiere of his new movie - he's sent an invite to you as well. Think he might be serious about this crush thing". Emily laughs. "You want me to politely to decline on your behalf?"

I purse my lips as I think all this through. "When is it?" I ask.

"Next Friday".

It could be kinda fun to go. It's been a while since I've actually been to anything like that, not to mention that Chris himself is actually pretty gorgeous. Even if nothing transpires from it then it would still be nice to meet him.

"Accept the invite. I only have a meeting that day that I can reschedule anyway".

"I suppose it would be good publicity for you too - I'll make some calls and we can set it all up".

I roll my eyes. "You're talking as though it's a PR stunt. I'm serious, I do wanna go and I would like to meet him". I think I've set it out pretty clearly for her.

"Like I said, I'll make the calls". Emily replies and hangs up.

I go back to scrolling through my phone until I'm deep diving into Instagram. No way am I responding publicly to this. Instead I find his Instagram page and click onto messenger, feeling brave.

Saw your interview and was a little surprised. Either way I'm flattered. So this is me knowing where to call 😏

Is it too cheesy?

Fuck it, it's fine.


My heart is pounding now, wondering if I've done the right thing. Perhaps I should've just turned up at the premiere as my 'response', but I think he'd at least like to know if he has a shot with me.

The time difference between the UK and Boston is also something to consider, so I don't expect him to reply straight away.

But he does...

To be honest? I didn't expect you to even respond lol 😂

Well I have 😉 thought that you'd at least like to know that I've accepted your invite to your premiere.

I'm getting a little more confident now and his next message soon comes back quickly. I didn't think you'd accept that either 🫣


Not sure, I thought you'd either say nothing in response or shoot me down by declining.

He must be nuts if he thinks I'd actually refuse a date or anything like that with him. Well I'll be there - perhaps if you're not doing anything after we could hang out? Maybe grab dinner or something?

This is me - now shooting my shot.

It takes a while for him to reply and I begin to wonder whether he actually is rethinking about all of this. Maybe he's thinking he doesn't like me as much as he thought now that were actually talking.

Eventually the message comes back.

I'll be staying at The Corinthia - I don't usually stay for the whole premiere unless it's the first one. Wanna come back and perhaps have dinner with me there? More privacy. 😊

My heart begins to flutter a little now and I send my answer back. Making it loud and clear for him. It could be the start of something, or it could be nothing at all that comes from it. Either way I wanna at least meet him and find out for myself.

You've got yourself a date.

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