Steve Rogers - The Lamplighter (AU)

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A/N - Yes another AU, and this time it's set in the early 1900s. You're probably getting bored with all these by now but hey, here's another!

Upon the edge of the land on the Brooklyn isles sits a lone lighthouse looking out onto the sea, its light guiding ships through the night, never going out. However not many have laid eyes on it's keeper.

Could the people of town tell you his name?

No, except for the delivery boy at Sheppard's grocers, who makes the journey back and forth each week. Even then he only knows the man by his last name that is on his weekly order.


However for Jayne Sheppard, she is about to meet the reclusive lamp lighter who ensures that no ship is reduced to a wreck on the isle...


Jayne Sheppard puffed and panted as she pulled the small cart down the road that led to the most remote part of the Brooklyn Isle. The Brooklyn Lighthouse rising up into view in front of her. Usually she would never be out delivering groceries, helping her father in the shop instead, but with their delivery boy Peter ill and in bed, she had volunteered to take the lighthouse keeper his weekly groceries. 

The cart wobbled over the grassy uneven road that many carriages and carts had carved out towards where the lighthouse stood on the cliffside and rocks that stopped it from being at risk of the waters it looked out upon. It was quiet, with the exception of the waves and gulls - the winds making her skirts and hair flap around her. 

She came to a stop at the path that led down in its direction, hauling the baskets from the back of the cart and now walking down to the door - knocking loudly. 

The door eventually opened and she was met with a surprisingly young man who in turn looked her up and down. His expression was guarded, his beard neatly trimmed and eyes looking at her from under his hat. "Yes?" 

"Mr...Rogers?" Jayne now quickly checked the name on the list, "I've brought your grocery order from Sheppard's". She said, gesturing to the baskets. 

"Where's the usual kid?" He asked, eyes casting down to the tins and food that was his usual weekly standing order. 

"Unwell currently, so you have me today". She told him, "I'm sure he'll be back next week". 

He nodded. Let me get this unpacked and you can be on your way". Taking the baskets and disappering inside, returning to the door a few minutes later and passing them back to her. "Dangerous to send a lady out to these parts by herself". 

"Why?" She frowned. 

"May be a small island, but you still can't trust no one". 

Jayne looked at him. "I'm sure I'll be fine...must be quiet to live out here". 

"Not quiet enough, especially when there's interruptions". He grunted and she was sure that it was a comment aimed directly at her. It was clear he didn't exactly enjoy social interaction, perfect if you were isolated like he was. 

"I'll...erm...well I'll leave you be then". She said, toying with the apron that was fasted around her waist. "It was nice to meet you Mr Rogers...I hope you're not too lonely out here". 

He shrugged it off. "It's all I know, I'm thankful for the peace, Miss..." He trailed off, not knowing her name. 

"Sheppard". Jayne now confirmed and saw his face change. 

"I see...Miss Sheppard - well, safe journey back to town". He nodded. 

As she turned to walk away, she could feel his eyes burning into her back and now looked back at him. "You know, a thank you wouldn't go amiss. I dragged the cart all the way here". 

"Then you're stronger than you look". He said, leaning against the doorway. "But thank you all the same Miss Sheppard. Like I said, safe journey back, if anything the cart will be lighter now". 

Her hands went t her hips. "Are you mocking me?" 

"Wouldn't dream of it, simply trying to get you to leave so as I can get back to work". He told her flatly. 

The annoyance now crossed Jayne's features and she stared hard at him. "Now I can see why you're alone". 

"Because I enjoy my own company? Yes, that would be it". He shot back. 

She muttered something to herself and stormed back up the path to where she'd left the cart. grabbing it and beginning to drag it away and back to town. 

All the while the lamp lighter watched on, now smiling to himself before returning inside the lighthouse. Both of them unaware that their paths would be crossing more often from now on. 

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