Lloyd Hansen - Illicit Affairs (Lloyd's Version)

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They say the best things in life are free, and for me? They truly are. At least that's what my diamond solitaire earrings say as I put them on. The latest gift from the man whose life I'm perfecting when his marriage is all but dead in the water.

And who I'm getting ready to dine with?

My friend who just so happens to be my colleague...

and his wife...

A spritz of perfume and I'm ready to go and listen to her drone on about how things have gone to shit.

She has her suspicions, but she'll never leave him - too comfortable with the amount of money he makes and the comfort of her life. I know that she'd rather live in misery than be left to fight over who gets what in a messy divorce.

Of course I'm there with a shoulder for her to cry on. To lend an ear for her to tell all of this to. I feign my shock as to what she thinks, once more throwing her off the scent and making excuses for her husband.

"Perhaps he's just working late?" "He's got a demanding business to run with all the travelling", and blah, blah, blah.

"Maybe he's just tired some evenings though? I know when I've had to go and provide files for him that he's never available" I now say to her as I sip at my wine.

A big fat lie right there - last week we fucked on his desk while he ordered an execution on a rogue Sierra agent.

I could make excuses for this man all day and have her believe that they're valid. But I know she will never leave him.

I have to be that other woman, and it kills me because I want to be the only woman. His only woman with the ring on my finger. I see a side to him that she never has. They were at university together, however it seems that she doesn't know the man who she married at all.

She runs her hands down her face in frustration. "There was payment to a jewellery store that came up on the joint account - he's given me nothing so it only makes me more suspicious. Geez I can't even sleep..."

Yeah, neither can I, but Lloyd Hansen is making us both that way for two completely different reasons. Good job the earrings are well hidden. If he'd have brought me a necklace or bracelet then I wouldn't have worn it outright. But the earrings are simply hiding in plain sight of my clueless little friend here.

"Suzanne...maybe he just hasn't found the time to give whatever he's brought to you yet." I smile kindly, all while knowing that Lloyd is clearly wanting to be caught now.

"I need proof...proof he's got someone else. Maybe I'll get one of the Sierra's to look into it - I've heard that Six is pretty nifty at keeping a low profile".

Thanks for giving me that relevant information.

"Then do it". I tell her. "Especially if it's found to be nothing, at least you have some peace of mind".

Suzanne smiles weakly. "Thanks for listening to me drone on, Piper. I don't know where I'd be if you weren't here".

I know where she's about to be though...

We eat and discuss more trivial things, then parting outside the restaurant after we're done. "Call me if you need anything". I say as I hug her. "Same time next Tuesday?"

"Awesome, I'll text you". She says and braces against the rain that's now beginning to fall. I watch her get into the car while walking to my own, taking out my phone once I'm safely inside and then calling the number that's been used the most frequently.

"Evening sugar". Lloyd's voice sounds down the line. "You coming back to work the late shift?"

I smirk at this. "It's my favourite shift don't you know? But we have a problem". Now turning serious.

"I seeeeeee?" He draws out. "Care to elaborate?"

"Suzanne..." I say, staring ahead with intent. "It's time we did something about her. She's seen the jewellery transaction - gonna be getting Sierra Six to come sniffing around undercover to see whether you're reeking of infidelity".

I hear him growl in frustration. "I'll take care of it".

"Will you though?"

"You know that I will" He says with annoyance, not at me but the fact we now have to sort this out. "Now get your perky ass over here so I can sink my teeth into those cheeks".

I wet my lips at this. "I won't be long".

Putting the phone down I breathe in deeply before exhaling. I have no doubt that Lloyd will see that Suzanne is taken care of - and as much as it pains me that tonight was our last ever girls night, I'm doing her a favour. No longer will she have to wallow in misery wondering whether her husband is cheating, and what's more? I'm sparing her from the truth.

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