Chris Evans - Blush (Chris's Version) PT 2

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I'm not expecting the jump-scare I get when arriving at Chris's one morning to find a random woman sat at his kitchen counter. She gets up and smiles. "Oh, hi - I'm Jenny".


"Camille". I smile politely all while mentally taking bets on how long this one will last. Bitchy I know, but it's always amusing to see if I'm right or wrong.

"You're the PA".

Yep, that's me - in other words she's basically calling me a servant. No name, just 'the PA'. 

"One half - guessing you've met Josh. He gets to have more fun than I do". 

Jenny nods with a small 'hmmm'. "Yeah, he was on set with us - I didn't think that you actually worked here, at the house though?" There's a frown now.

"Well I use the office here and when Chris is away I ensure the house is kept cleaned and tidy, bills paid and all that shit. There's some things I need to go through with him today though but other than that you won't know I'm here at all when I am".

She doesn't even respond to this but instead takes her coffee. "I'd better get back to bed then- I didn't get in until early this morning then we were awake for another couple of hours". She laughs nervously. "But it's nice to meet you Camilla".

"Camille" I correct her and then roll my eyes as she walks out, back to the bedroom and back to him.

Somehow I find myself betting that this one lasts longer than the others.

Dodger trudges up to me with his lead that he's somehow pulled down from the hook by the front door, and drops it in front of me. "Your dad isn't awake yet". I remind him as he now looks up sadly at me. "Ok fine, I'll take you today". I sigh and clip the lead on, Dodge getting excited by this. He's settled really well and loves all the attention and fuss he's been getting.

"I think we both need some air". Opening the door I walk out and take one of the trails that isn't too long. Not that it matters anyway, last thing I want is to return to the soundtrack of sex. I don't think Dodge is particularly impressed about being kicked out of the bedroom either.


The house is still quiet by the time I get back, so I give Dodger some treats and head into the office. He follows, flopping onto the floor next to me while I answer some emails and work on some transport and hotel bookings. 

Half an hour later, Chris appears in the doorway and with my impeccable timing, I press play on Spotify so 'I Just Had Sex' begins to blast out loudly. "Shut uuuup" He drawls with a small smirk as I press pause. "How long you been waiting to do that?" 

"Long enough" I say and then pass him Dodger's leash. "Will you be needing this for next time?" 

"Camille" He smiles threateningly and then hides it before Dodger thinks he's going for another walk. "So...what do you think of her?" 

I keep my eyes on the screen and continue to reply to the email I have open. "If she starts calling me by the right name? Then I'll like her". I tell him bluntly. 


I pause my typing and sigh. "Look, she's nice ok? Is that what you wanted me to say?" 

"Well I was hoping you would but something tells me you're not a fan". 

"I don't have to be. I don't have to like her or not - I'm just here to do my job". I tell him and resume typing, smashing the keys a little too hard, but I don't care. "Your girlfriends or flings are none of my business..." 

Chris leans against the doorframe. "No, but I'd at least like to know that you're comfortable around anyone who I do bring home". 

I swivel round on the chair and look at him. "I may work here but I don't live here. It's your house, your rules. Like I said it's none of my business". 

"I'm gonna take Dodge out..." He says, pushing himself from the frame. 

"I already took him - you're welcome". I turn back to the screen. 

He sighs. "Mils, you didn't have to, it's not your job". 

"No, but I figured he didn't want to listen to you guys in the bedroom so I did him a favour". I reply. "I don't mind walking him if you can't". 

"That's the thing, I can". Another sigh sounds before he changes the subject. "What time is Josh getting here?" 

I shrug. "Don't know, but it's just the itinerary for the next couple of months that we need to go over and then we'll be out of your hair". 

Yeah. Out of it for the next few weeks while he enjoys life with the girlfriend. No way am I coming here when she's staying. I can work from my own home anyway. 

"Right...well, can I get you another coffee or something?" He asks before he leaves to go make himself one. 

I wanna tell him I feel nauseous as hell after this morning, but I don't. Instead I decline and try to focus on the same sentence that I've been trying to compose for the last five minutes. "Hey, Camille?" Chris says before he exits the room. 

"Yeah?" I ask and stop typing. 

There's a long pause before he says "Doesn't matter" and heads to the kitchen. 

The air is tense, my body is tense and after that exchange I can only imagine that he feels it too. If it carries on? Well, guess I'll be finding a new job. 

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