Steve Rogers - Asylum (AU)

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Steve was busy doing his rounds when he'd first come to notice the new face that had been admitted under the cover of darkness. Obviously from an upper class family. She way she was perched upon the chair by the window told him that. Plus the fact that she had arrived in the early hours so as embarrassment to the family could be spared.

It was wrong.

He himself had come to learn not to judge those who passed through the doors of Vormir Asylum. He'd held that same standard from the moment he'd passed through the wrought iron rusted gates.

Open mind.

Open heart.

The asylum itself was just how you would picture one. A large manor type house with a long driveway and tamed grounds (to some extent). This was a place where behind closed doors, only the 'insane' lurked, and yet to Steve, he had met many that he had yet to prove were not.

This woman who sat staring bleakly out of the curtained window? He had no idea, but upon speaking to her, he would soon be able to tell whether she posed as a risk or not.

"Miss..." He said, now sitting down on the chair opposite hers.

Her head slowly turned to look at him, a great sorrow upon beautiful porcelain features. "Have you come to tell me that I'm mad?" She asked, voice quiet but melodic.

"Do you think you are?" He asked

"I don't know what to think anymore..." There was a tone of defeat in her voice.

Steve looked at the notes on his clipboard, finding Dinah's and skimming over the details. She had been admitted by her husband due to female hysteria. The common cause he was finding with new female patients.

"How are you feeling Dinah? About this place? Being here..."

Her fingers toyed with themselves in her lap. "Betrayed".

That wasn't anything new. Of course she would if a family member had decided to admit her against her wishes. Some were angry, others like Dinah were sad and betrayed. "You're sad your husband admitted you here". He stated, wanting to confirm his suspicions.

Dinah's eyes kept themselves fixed on her lap. "He wanted me gone from the marriage, and to do that, he told everyone I was mad". She suddenly looked up at him, the green emeralds piercing him. "I am not mad, and if I am, then it's madness at him for his infidelity".

Steve wrote down all that she had said, still in two minds as to whether this woman should be here or not. "Well then, perhaps you should count yourself lucky that you escaped a man like him".

"He has stolen my freedom, and as a result I am to be locked away for it. It's like he wants to inflict the so called 'hysteria' on me for real". Dinah stated, "So please do not tell me that I have escaped doctor". She now spat.

He continued writing and then looked up at her. "I'm sorry..."

"Are you? Really? You will brand me insane like the rest of them and all because I simply speak the truth".

"That's not a bad thing".

"Being insane? Or speaking the truth?" She now questioned. These were not the words of a mad woman, but he would still have to treat her all the same.

He sat back and eyed her. "Both. Insanity could be shown in many forms, over something you care about, maybe even someone you love? But it's a different kind, not the muttering to yourself and walking in circles type". There was a pause. "And as for the truth? It can hurt, but it can also save you".

"My husband didn't send me here to be 'saved' Doctor, even if he says that he did.

A small smile crossed his lips and Steve put his pen down. "Well then Miss Dinah, we'll just have to see whether you are as sane as you say you are, and whether it's us who can save you".

Dinah said no more and turned her head to look back out the window.  He stayed sitting for a few moments, before getting up, knowing that conversation was over for now.

"Miss Dinah..." He saw her slightly turned her head again to acknowledge him. "It's Doctor Rogers, in case you were wondering".  Telling her kindly. 

There was a small nod, but it was enough for Steve to notice, closely followed by quiet words. "Thank you, Doctor Rogers, I know we shall speak again soon". 

Steve turned away and headed back to his office, knowing that he would make sure of that. 

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