Knight!SteveRogers - Shiver (AU)

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70 years.

For 70 years the kingdom of Lehigh had been cursed with eternal winter in a hard defeat at the battle of Vormir. Most of the army perished, and the ones who survived simply lived to tell the horrors of that day over and over.

One tale in particular, that Lehigh's civilians now deem to be of legend rather than truth.

It speaks of a Knight so brave that he gave his life in a deal that would avoid the fate that lay ahead for the Kingdom. But it was not to be. Still Lehigh became covered in snow, frost, ice - and the Knight who had been betrayed by his deal maker? Most say he died a hero - but others insist his body still lies entombed in an unknown location, waiting to be found so as the curse upon their lands could be broken once and for all.

The second seems plausible, as no body was returned to his family - but then so many others were not either. The battle field of Vormir becoming a grave site with no markers to honour the fallen. Just snow, and from the ground? Snow drop flowers.

Over the years that passed, many a man set about finding the resting place of the Knight, but to no avail. The ice lay thick, the paths and roads of snow now only accessible by horses and sleds. The Kingdom learned to adapt from their turmoil, because the only other option was to die from the cold or starvation. In the end? The brave Knight of the ice was simply forgotten - left to rest in legend and tales that were passed down.

Until now...


It was early morning when the warning bell sounded from the castle's soldiers, King Rovik watching as his two loyal commanders, Darius and Phillip walked into the hall where he arrived just moments before. Their boots were wet from the snow outside while their pale blue cloaks with gold detailing hung around their shoulders.

"Tell me what is so important that you decided to wake me from my slumber?" King Rovik asked, not impressed to be woken at such an early hour.

"Father?" The white haired young woman now appeared from the stairwell at the side of the hall, eyes tired and now noting the two guards. "What has happened?"

"And it appears you have woken not only myself, but the entire palace - Narissa, go back to bed, this is none of your concern". Rovik instructed, however she did not move - instead choosing to join him. "Not that you ever listen to me either..." His last words came with a wry sigh.

Darius now nudged Phillip - the older knight of the pair and one who had been with the army for years - who now looked to Rovik. "We've found him sir..."

Rovik's face changed, knowing exactly who they were talking about. "Impossible, he's just a legend".

"He was until the snow began to melt". Darius now put in.

"WHAT! When did this happen!" Rovik now went to look outside, which was a little hard considering the darkness was concealing what the pair were claiming to tell him.

Phillip now shrugged, Narissa giving him a tired smile. "Best tell him now before he bursts a nerve".

"When the tomb was discovered by a group of men out for work, they alerted us and we went to see whether their claims were true, and they were. We've seen him with our own eyes, and we brought him back with us. Thought that he could receive an honourable burial considering he gave everything for us in battle". Phillip explained. "Some of the snow around the area had melted, and I expect it will only be a short amount of time until we know for sure whether the curse has been lifted".

Narissa looked at him. "And where is the Knight's body now?"

"We've taken him to chapel of rest - he's perfectly preserved too". Darius replied.

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