Lloyd Hansen - Safe House

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To him, this could technically be classed as a vacation - But Lloyd Hansen had never once taken one in his life, aside from the few when he was a kid. Even those memories he'd closed off in the back of his mind. But right now his focus was on the woman who had been sat scowling across the dining table from him for the last ten minutes.

Isabella Miles.

This was the woman who he (and his men) would be spending the foreseeable with - just until they'd taken care of the little problem that was her father's enemies.

He had taken the call from Hudson Miles just days prior, visiting him the day before and then coming straight to the mansion situated in the south of France. Hudson had been jailed for fraud, tax evasion as well as other offences that were simply minor ones in Lloyd's eyes. He'd done far worse after all.

Isabella had not been impressed at the group of men sitting in the living room when she'd been awoken by the housekeeper, coming down to see just who had invited themselves in. It had been clear to Lloyd that like him - she did not appreciate the idea of being babysat.

"You gonna stop admiring me anytime soon honey-bunch?" He said as he calmly reflected on various plans running through his mind. The 'what if's' and the 'to do's'.

"I don't know, it depends how long you're playing 'manny' for".

He slammed his fist onto the table. "Shut up!"

She threw back a smirk. "I'm not your 'sunshine', your 'sweet pea', your nothing! So you stop with the nicknames and I'll stop with mine".

"Or I could always leave you here to get slaughtered by those guys that your father owes money to?" He suggested and sighed. "I would really hate to be the one cleaning your insides off of the walls..."

"It's guys like them, like you who put my father away".

His head whipped round and then he silently got up, rounding the table before stopping by her chair and leaning down to the shell of her ear. "And it's guys like me who will protect you because your daddy is a good friend - so perhaps you should rethink your allegiances sunshine".

Lloyd was sure that she mentally winced and then strolled over to the window, hands clasped behind his back and staring out to the manicured gardens. "This is the last place you have to hide, and trust me - these people will stop at nothing to see that daddy dearest gets the message loud and clear not to cross them - and that's where I come in".

"And what are you here to do again exactly? Other than to watch over me like a kid?"

"Keeping you alive is probably the obvious answer to that". He stated, now turning back around to look at her. "So you'd best start being nice to me, because there's nothing stopping me from putting a bullet in you myself and telling Hudson that it was his enemies".

Isabella sat back and shook her head. "You wouldn't do that".

"I mean every word I say..."

"No you don't, because if you fail? You of all people know just what kind of other contacts my father has. And you also know that he wouldn't stop at anything until he knew you were dead".

Lloyd stared at her and then let out a small chuckle. "Well then, it looks like you're gonna have to get used to my presence sweetheart, but from now on? This place? It's now my house, my rules. If I'm the babysitter then that means you've gotta do everything I tell you to".

"And what if I don't?" She challenged.

He smirked at this, already imagining exactly what lengths he would go to. "I would really love to see you try..."

It did not surprise him that soon after he was met with a slam of the door as she stormed out. 

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