Knight!SteveRogers - Destined

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I do not fear death - not when I have known that I would welcome it for a long time now.

My crime? Treason - against my own husband who is the one who stands on the royal balcony awaiting the axe to fall. He is the King after all, he could have pardoned me, sent me away to a nunnery where no one would ever lay eyes on me again. But instead he has chosen this, and I don't blame him. I would also be angry on finding that my wife and Queen has committed adultery with the commander of his army, and most trusted friend.

Except Steve was exiled, and I? Given death.

Perhaps he favours him more so than I thought. But the love between Steve and I? It had been enough to potentially start a full on war between him and Tony.

Our marriage was never a happy one. It was just for convenience and to ally my father's Kingdom with Tony's. I only first met him on our wedding day, and even though I have been given everything I could have wished for? It wasn't enough.

I wanted passion, love. Instead I was given civility and a crown.

And you wonder why I chose his commander?

Steve gave me everything that I longed for and more. We had a connection before we'd so much as spoken a word to one another - eyes locking across the hall during the wedding festivities. It was sometime before we finally began to take the risk of meeting under the cover of darkness, away from prying eyes and people who could potentially discover us.

The meetings went from mere minutes, to hours. It was easy considering I never shared a room with my husband. I always stayed in the Queen's chambers aside from my wedding night. Steve would be given the task of guarding me if I went anywhere outside of the castle walls - such as riding. If my ladies weren't with me then it was easier. During tournaments I would cheer him on, it was a wonder how Tony didn't suspect sooner.

But eventually he did.

We tried many times to stop what we were doing, knowing that the danger was there. We could be killed for it.

"I can't stop Ninette - no matter how hard I try to keep away from you? I always need more". He told me, pressing his lips to mine as we stole another moment before he had to ride out on patrol one evening.

"I know". I breathed, hand pressed against the cool metal of his armoured breastplate. If he wasn't wearing it then I'd have been trying to tear his clothes from him instead.

I had been there when they'd dragged him in and thrown him down in front of the while court just weeks after that encounter. The horror on my face was clear and only confirmed to Tony what he had found out. "Tony..." I whispered as he glared at me. "Please...please don't..."

"Don't what? Kill him? Tell me why not?" He asked calmly before turning more angered. "TELL ME!"

"Please, let him go - I'm the one who started it all". My voice shook

Tony summoned a couple of guards who seized me, then taking me to the tower that was to be my new home while he decided on what to do with me.

It came as no surprise when I was told that I was to die.

"And Sir Steven?" I asked, because his life was the only one that I cared about anymore.

"He is gone. The King sent him away. If he ever sets foot here again then he'll be killed on sight". The guard confirmed, and my tears that followed were more ones of relief than for the fate that was in store for me.

I signed my confession, and then it was simply down to waiting. I wondered whether Tony would wait for days to toy with me as an extra punishment. I hadn't been told my execution date until two days ago. At least I was given some time to prepare and allowed to wear a decent dress for the occasion.

"Would you like the block, your majesty?" The executioner now asks as I finish climbing the scaffold to him. "Or will you kneel?"

"Kneel. I want to look my husband in the eye as I die". I say confidently. I am beyond remorse and obviously redemption.

The executioner nods and I kneel in front of the crowd, then looking up at the balcony.

I will never take my eyes from him one minute, because I want him to have my gaze from this moment forever in his mind.

I hear and sense the executioner behind me and smile up at Tony.

This is the only kindness he has really given me.

My freedom. 

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