Lloyd Hansen (AU) - The Mill

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The cotton floated through the air like snow falling to the ground or even angels dancing around the men, women and children who worked the looms on the factory floor. But no one would compare this to heaven. Cotton mills were anything but that.

Bessie's boots clumped along the floor as she made her way with intent up to the master's office, on an upper level that overlooked the factory floor. His eyes were always watching, whether it be from the top of those damned stairs or the window of his office himself. Lately she'd felt them looming over her more than usual.

Knocking on the door of the office, the familiar voice inside told her to come in, and she did - closing it behind her. "Lock it". He instructed, gesturing to the key that was already in the lock.

She knew why she had been summoned. It was the agreement they had come to after all. More pay to help support her family now that her little sister was unable to work, and more pleasure for him after a stressful day.
Bessie had pleaded her case to Lloyd just a couple of months before, back when her sister was brought over from Carmichael's Mill to his, purely for the better working conditions. Except the child's lungs were already clogged with cotton. Lloyd wasn't about to risk the mill and the reputation he'd built, and had denied her work. Bess had been all but on her knees begging, unable to support the family on just the money she brought home alone.

Lloyd Hansen had never once taken pity on anyone, but seeing her desperation, had decided to give her a proposition that she had reluctantly agreed to. Fresh, untouched. He'd ruined her soon after she had agreed in order to ensure that she knew he had full control over her. One false move and it would mean she would have no job, and no money for her family. They'd simply starve. Not that he cared, he could get his kicks elsewhere. She had stuck to it though, never once complained or gave any inclination that she would rather be elsewhere. Whenever he would send for her, she would always be there soon after.

It's for the family, you do this for mother, father and Clara... She had told herself over and over again. No matter how hard she would convince herself that this was to practically keep bringing in food for the table - she would always leave feeling dirty. And it wasn't from the smoke or cotton.

"Are you ok Bessie? You look pained?" Her mother had questioned on the first evening she'd returned from the mill after being with Mr Hansen. Between her legs sore, and stomach pained from where he'd had her a little too roughly. She'd become accustomed to it by now though. Lloyd Hansen was not a gentle man, nor did he wish to be.

Now all she did was simply walk through the door, help her mother with supper and then curl up in bed.

"Done". She turned to Lloyd who gestured for her to come and hitch up her skirts to take her usual place astride him.

"Good girl". Was all he nodded as she manoeuvred one leg over him, sinking down onto his cock that he'd released from his trousers. He let out a small grunt of satisfaction and watched her move on him. She had fast become his favourite worker, dedicated on the factory floor and off of it.

His lips met hers, soft and plump, much like her breasts that he'd fondled many times after working hours were done. The office was the place for these liaisons - he couldn't exactly be seen with a woman of low class being led into his home. People would talk for the wrong reasons.

Reputation was everything.

"Damnit..." He uttered as he came hard inside of her, then sitting back to recover while she got off from his lap and adjusted her skirts. His eyes watched her keenly. "Bessie..."

"Will that be all Mr Hansen?"

"Bessie!" He snapped as he saw her jump slightly at his tone.

She now looked at him. "Yes sir?"

"I've told you to call me Lloyd while we're alone".

She simply nodded. "Was there anything else? I should get back to my loom".

"Tonight". Was all he instructed.

Bessie nodded, knowing that there would probably be questions as to where she had been when she returned home, but she'd find an excuse. Working late to finish some jobs that hadn't be completed was usually the believable answer. "Yes sir...tonight..."

Heading for the door, she unlocked it and walked out, closing it behind her.

Lloyd stuffed himself back into his pants and got to his feet, walking out of the office door soon after and coming to observe the factory floor from the top of the stairs. His eyes scanned the floor, then stopping on the usual loom.

On her.

Bess could obviously feel them burning into her skin, because now she looked up, gaze locking with his for a few moments before she got back to work. 

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