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LAZILY, I PLOPPED down on my sofa with a glass of red wine. With the remote in my hand, I clicked on Hulu and began watching The Love Circle, a television show Gina had introduced to me one evening when she was visiting.

The show was quite intriguing because it pairs up odd couples who come from varying and distinct backgrounds. I was invested in the current episode, where a maid with two divorces under her belt was introduced to a stockbroker who hadn't dated in over twenty years. As I began to wonder what the outcome would be for this strange couple, I suddenly lost my train of thought, and my eyes widened as a sudden realization came to light:

What if the psychopath who wrote those creepy letters intended to harm Troy or me?

I didn't even have them in my possession any longer, and what if I needed them as evidence? Should God forbid some deranged person tried to hurt Troy and me?

A sliver of regret ran through me, and I shuddered as I recalled throwing out the letters in my office trash can the day before.

How could I have been so stupid to carelessly have thrown them out?!

Desperation consumed me as I hoped with every fiber in my body that the janitor hadn't yet emptied yesterday's trash. Pinching my eyes shut, I shook my head in disbelief. I rose from the couch and began pacing around my living room, my nerves in shambles.

When I finally found myself in bed for the night, I tossed and turned. Anxiety ate my thoughts as I struggled to sleep.

I awoke the next morning, earlier than usual, for work, with the shock of the letter still ripping through my mind.

The mere thought of losing them sent nervous jitters through my body.

It was a few days before Troy and I were slated to leave with our friends on our getaway to Pine Glacier Hills. I took a quick shower and decided I'd go makeup-less. I pulled my hair up into a simple bun and secured it with a few bobby pins. Then I threw on some black slacks and a purple blouse.

As I headed to the door, I grabbed my beige coat from off the coat rack and wrapped myself in it.

I grabbed my keys, laptop bag, and purse and made my way down the stairs of my apartment building.

When I stepped outside, the wind shocked me with its cold. A crisp winter chill ran down my spine. I run hastily to my car, the sense of urgency catapulting me. I slammed my car door shut and sped off to work.


As I drove through downtown, the city was bustling with commuters, both drivers and walkers alike. The blue, cloudy sky set a backdrop to the tall gray office building as I drove closer. I made a quick left and steered my car into the parking lot. Browsing for a parking spot, I noticed one in front. I quickly maneuvered my car into it. Shifting my head, I noticed the fancy blue BMW parked next to me, realizing it was Lena's. I recalled some of the office staff gossiping about her and wondering how she could afford such a car on her income. I never participated in the office gossip, but it never failed to meet my ears.

Grabbing my purse off the passenger seat, I placed the strap on my shoulder and hurriedly exited my vehicle. Although I wasn't late, I rushed into the building like the anxious, paranoid mess I am.

I sped-walked off the elevator and headed straight into my office.

"Good morning, Trish!" Lena greeted me as I walked past her desk in the reception area, "You're in early today." Lena glanced down at the smartwatch on her wrist.

"Good morning, Lena!" I smiled. "Yeah, I decided to come in early to get started on a few overdue financial statements for my clients." I gave an excuse while my thoughts were fixed on the letter in the trash, hoping our janitor hadn't thrown it out.

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