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AWAKENING THE NEXT morning, a sense of disappointment hung in my chest and a lump of nerves caught in my throat. The meeting with Officer Roberts didn't go as well as I had hoped. I was left feeling frustrated and enveloped in a sense of vulnerability as Officer Roberts's words echoed in my mind.

"Look, I'm sorry, but there's nothing in these letters to suspect anything unlawful or violent will be done to either of you." Officer Roberts leaned forward in his chair and dropped the letters on top of his desk, "I wish I could help you two, I do." He cleared his throat as he continued to explain, "However, there's nothing for me to pursue-  I don't see any indication of a threat. Essentially, these are just creepy letters." He shrugged.

"So, it all boils down to this department lacking the necessary resources to investigate this." Troy's voice hardened, "Right?!"

Officer Roberts's forehead wrinkled as he frowned," Whoa, you're taking this too far, Troy." Officer Roberts scooted forward in his chair, as he looked sternly into Troy's eyes, "I'm sure you're familiar with our police department being understaffed and currently struggling with a very limited budget, but that has nothing to do with my assessment of these letters."

"What assessment?!" Troy asked argumentatively as he stood up from his chair, "I don't think you clearly assessed those." Troy pointed down at the letters on Officer Roberts' desk.

A stroke of heat ran through my face, "Troy, calm down!" I begged as I tugged on the sleeve of his jacket.

"No, it's ok." Officer Roberts held up his hands in defense. "Troy has every right to be upset." Officer Roberts covered his mouth, releasing a dry cough. " Excuse me." He said apologetically as he let out another cough.

"I understand you both are concerned about these letters." His eyes laser down at the letters as they lay flat on his desk, "But as I said, unfortunately, I can't do anything at this time. If you can find the letter that actually threatens your husband's life.."

I interrupted, "My boyfriend," I corrected, "Troy is my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend's life." Officer Roberts goes on, "Then I encourage you both to come back to my office and I won't hesitate to open up an investigation. But as it stands now, I cannot. I'm sorry." Officer Roberts's eyes ventured away from us and onto his computer screen.

Troy hurriedly walked toward the door, slamming it shut as he exited Officer Roberts's office. I stood up, embarrassed by Troy's juvenile actions, and I decided to leave too.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized for Troy's actions, "Thanks for your all help, I appreciate it." I smiled, not wanting to leave the station on a bad note.

"Do you have any security cameras at your residence?" Officer Roberts asked with a lingering gaze.

"Yes, I live at the Pineview Estates." I pointed my finger left indicating what part of town my apartment was located in, "It's the apartment building a few miles on the outskirts of downtown?"

"I know exactly where that's at." He nodded, "You'll be safe, nothing ever happens around that area. And from what I hear they've got great security over there." Officer Roberts grabbed his blue coffee mug and took a sip.

I nodded, "Yeah, I've always felt pretty safe over there." I placed the strap of my purse onto my shoulder.

"I better get going now," I finally make my way toward the door and walk out.

"Good luck." Officer Roberts said with encouragement.

"Thanks," I replied softly.

 I made my way down the hallway, gently closing the door behind me. The lights seemed to have dimmed even more, to the point the station nearly appeared pitch black. As I headed to the front I saw the woman we met when we first came in. She was biting into an apple. I peered at her and she gave me a friendly wave goodbye. I waved back as walked through the double glass doors, stepping outside of the building.

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