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THE DRIVE TO Pine Glacier Hills turned chaotic as traffic snarled on the steep, snow-covered hill. A long line of cars stalled in a forging line, one after the other. The crimson glow of brake lights illuminated the scene. Red lights flashed before our eyes. Troy pressed on the brakes, bringing our SUV to a sudden halt.

We both peered ahead, taking notice of four men in vibrant yellow construction vests standing in the middle of the road, bringing the traffic to a standstill.

The men held up stop signs, signaling drivers to halt their vehicles. Next to them were two police officers. The red and blue lights atop their police vehicles shone like an impromptu light show, though it was not an entertaining moment.

"What's happening up there?" Dave inquired from the backseat, his curiosity piqued as he leaned forward.

Now, all three of us were spectators, captivated by the scene on the highway.

Troy shrugged, his expression reflecting confusion. "I'm not sure what's going on up ahead, but I see some cars turning back around." We all watched as many cars executed U-turns, with some even reversing to escape the road's chaotic state.

Troy lightly tapped the gas pedal as we intermittently approached the front of the line, where the men in construction vests stood alongside the two police officers.

A tall man bearded man wearing a hard hat on top of his head approached Troy's window, so Troy rolled it down.

"Hi," Troy greeted a tall, bearded man wearing the construction vest.

"Hi, Sir! My name is Michael, and I'm with the Pine Glacier County Transportation Division," the man introduced, leaning in to get a better view of the inside of our SUV.

"Where are you all headed to on this snowy day?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow as he awaited an answer.

"We're going to the Pine Glacier Hills Resort," Troy replied.

"I'm afraid there's been a snow avalanche, folks," the man said in a concerned tone, "There's too much snow at this time, so we had no other choice but to block off a six-mile stretch of the highway for everyone's safety," he explained, "The road won't be clear until tomorrow morning, so I must ask you to take the alternate route."

A wave of confusion washed over Troy's face.

The man noticed his reaction and continued, "Are you familiar with the alternate route? The Glenmore route."

"Glenmore route?" Troy questioned, turning his head sharply to look at me. His eyebrows furrowed as he seemed even more confused.

I shook my head, letting Troy know I too, was unfamiliar with that particular route.

The man gestured with his hands, providing directions,"You'll need to turn back around and head down the way you came in. After about two miles, you'll spot Glenmore Road on your left. Take that road all the way down, and it will lead you directly to Pine Glacier Hills Resort."

"That shouldn't be too difficult," Troy responded. "Thank you, Sir. I appreciate your help."

"Have a safe trip!" The man tipped his hat at Troy, and we drove off.

"It's always nerve-wracking venturing onto unknown routes, especially during a snowstorm," I remarked, my gaze fixated on the road ahead.

Troy nodded in agreement, caught in the corner of my eye.

"Babe, I actually worked as a truck driver right after high school, before I went to college. I may have taken this route before," Troy shared as his eyes remained focused on the snowy roads ahead.

Dave chuckled, "Troy, you were a truck driver?"

Troy's face blended with confusion.

"What's so amusing, Dave?" Troy inquired, his eyes still fixed on the road.

Dave shrugged as if Troy could see him, then he chimed in, "I don't know, maybe because you've got that Mr. GQ look going on now."

Troy and I burst into laughter.

"Yeah, well, I had to upgrade my style for my job." Troy nodded his head while still laughing.

"I know, I'm just teasing ya," Dave chuckled.

I pulled down my visor and glanced into the mirror, applying another coat of fresh red lipstick. Lena sat in the backseat, gazing out of the window.

As Dave began to doze off, resting his head on Lena's shoulder, a thought struck me:

Lena and Gina would get along splendidly!

Suddenly, I realized I hadn't spoken to Gina since we left Belmont, and I hadn't heard from either her or Dale either.

"Have you heard from Dale?" I asked Troy, turning my head to look at him as he drove.

Troy shook his head. "No, I was just about to ask you if they're still coming."

I reached into my purse, feeling for my phone, I pulled it out and quickly dialed Gina's number.

After two rings, she answered. Her voice filled with cheer as usual. I could hear faint background noises of a road trip.

"Hey, Trish!" Gina greeted me enthusiastically. I heard faint background noises that sounded as if Gina was on a busy road, which gave me a bit of relief as it indicated she and Dale were probably on their way up to Pine Glacier Hills.

"Hi, Gina! Troy and I were wondering if you and Dale are still on your way to Pine Glacier?"

"Yeah, we're driving there now. According to Dale's navigation system, we should be arriving in about two hours, so around 3:00 PM," Gina replied.

I let Gina know that we were also a few hours away and that we'd meet them at the resort. After exchanging goodbyes, we ended the call, and I placed my phone back into my purse.

Troy glanced at me just as I finished putting my phone away.

"So, what did she say?" Troy inquired.

"They'll be there around 3:00 PM," I replied, glancing out my window, I noticed a large brown van closely tailing us as I glared into the side mirror.

"Troy, do you see that brown van in the back of us?" I asked, my gaze still fixed on the side mirror, "He's trailing us pretty close." I added.

Troy's eyes shifted from the road to the rearview mirror, his eyes widening with surprise.

"That van is way too close for comfort," he stated. Dave woke up, rubbing his chin to wipe off the trail of saliva that dripped down to his neck.

"What's going on? Who's behind us?" Dave asked, turning to look out the back window. "Geez! That van is about to ram into us."

Lena also turned around, peering through the foggy back window.

"They're really close. Maybe they need help?" Lena suggested.

"I doubt it. They're going way too fast and practically tailgating us!" Troy exclaimed worriedly, increasing our speed.

I leaned over the seat, trying to get a better look at the van behind us, then suddenly, I felt a jerking motion. I was thrust forward, and my body slammed into the dashboard, producing a burning firey ache that trickled down my arm.

"Owww!" I screamed out.

"Babe, are you okay?" Troy quickly glanced at me and then back at the road, "That van hit us!" Troy yelled out, his lips then curving into a frown as he accelerated even faster.

"Did that van just ram into us?!" Lena's voice quivered with fear.

"Yeah, it definitely did! Whoever is in that van is out to get us." Dave announced.

"What the hell?" Troy shouted. He steered the SUV, accelerating again, but the tires struggled against the icy surface, causing us to hydroplane across the snowy plains.

Lena screamed.

My heart galloped against the wall of my chest as a sense of panic rushed over me. I cried out, "God, help us please!"

Dave wrapped his arm around Lena, consoling her, "We'll be okay, Lena. I promise."

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