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TROY SWUNG OPEN the driver's side door and slid onto the black leather seat. The chill of the snowy mountain air seeped into the truck, and I shivered.

"Here's the key to the cabin." Troy raised the brass-colored key, "We're all checked in for the week." He assured us.

Troy directed his gaze at me with the key still raised in his hand. I instinctively extended my palm toward him, and he dropped the key into my hand. Closing my fingers firmly, I secured the key within my grasp.

Troy started the car, revving the engine, and we were on our way.

We drove down the snowy mountains. The road was bumpy and narrow, yet the tires smoothly navigated the unpaved surface.

A breathtaking winter scenery unfolded before us as I gazed out my window. The frosty-covered hills revealed an intricate beauty- more beautiful than I ever imagined. Snowflakes danced as they waltzed through the air and fell delicately to the ground. I was fully immersed in the moment, losing all my worries and fears as I escaped into the scenic beauty of the pristine white sleet; a sense of peace and warmth drifted over me.

"I can't shake this overwhelming feeling that this trip is turning out to be a bad idea." Lena started, her glossy eyes signaling worry and unease, "Maybe we should seriously consider heading back home. What do you guys think?" She asked concerningly, fear evident in her voice as she glanced around, seeking reassurance.

Lena quickly brought me back to earth with her concerns. The beautiful mountains were now an afterthought.

"No, babe. We'll be fine." Dave gently grabbed Lena's hand, interlocking her fingers into his, "It's probably just some college kids. You know how they are, always pulling pranks." Dave explained lightheartedly.

"We'll be fine, Lena," I reassured, extending my arm to offer a comforting touch on her shoulder. "We can't let fear control our lives. Let's stay cautious, stick together, and trust that everything will be okay." I smiled confidently, hoping my words provided her with a sense of comfort.

Deep down, I honestly didn't know. I only held onto the hope that gravitated within me. A magnetic force that whispered safety in the depths of my subconscious. I clung to it with a shard of hope. I wasn't even confident or reassured myself, but the last thing I wanted was for Lena to panic and allow fear to drive us back home, spoiling our vacation.

And then the thought of those damn letters shot back into my mind. However, I took solace in Dave's presumption about it just being some college kids messing around with us.

After all, they've been known for pulling pranks on people in our community in the past. We even had one serious incident when a student's prank went too far. He threw a tire down from the overpass, killing a man who had a wife and two children at home.

The kid was arrested soon after. The community never forgave the kids, and I don't blame them. He ended up pleading no contest and was given 30 years to life with a chance of parole in 25 years. I remember watching the hearing on our local news station, and once they announced the verdict, his wife and children cried. They believed the kid should've gotten life with no chance of parole.

"How far up is this cabin?" Lena asked inquisitively while staring longingly out of her window. Her brown eyes were glossy and low, a look of despair written on her face.

"It's about ten miles up from the resort office," Tory replied nonchalantly as he remained focused on the snowy road ahead.

"We're ten miles out from the main resort?!" Lena asked, her voice quivering. Dave and I both turned our heads, our eyes landing on her.

It was more than evident that Lena was scared. Probably even terrified.

"Lena, it's gonna be alright." Dave leaned in to hug her while I gave her a reassuring glance.

"We're almost there," I replied in my calmest voice.

Emerging in the distance, the cabin slowly came into view. The roof was covered in patches of white snow. Smoke spiraled from the top of the chimney, dancing into the air, creating billows of cozy clouds that dissipated into the winter air.

"Why is smoke coming out from the chimney?" Dave's eyebrows raised, "Is somebody in the cabin?"

Troy stole a quick glance in his rearview mirror, his eyes meeting Dave's in the reflection, "The hostess at the front desk told me they started a fire in the chimney before we arrived. Apparently, it's a custom they do with all their guests. You know, try and make it nice and cozy for us."

"Oh, that's pretty cool... I guess." Dave said questionably.

Troy drove the truck up to the 2-car garage of the cabin. The snow was piled a little higher on the driveway, but he was still able to maneuver the truck into it safely.

"You and Lena open up and go inside the cabin." Troy instructed, "Dave and I will unload the trunk."

My eyes ventured to Troy, meeting his gaze, "Troy, you're not supposed to be lifting anything heavy."

Troy rolled his eyes toward the sky, "Babe, I got this!"

Troy made his way to the back of the truck. Dave followed suit, and they both began unloading the truck of all the suitcases stuffed inside the back.

Lena and I hopped out of the truck next. I peeked over at her to ensure she was doing okay, but I was concerned as Lena's eyes penetrated a sense of worry and unease.

"Lena, let's go inside." I smiled.

"Sure." Lena replied as she crossed her arms before her chest, "It feels colder than it usually is in Pine Glacier."

We both trudged through the snow, making our way into the

cabin. Troy and Dave both were miraculously able to carry all of our luggage inside.

I climbed the first step, and Lena followed behind me. For some reason, I felt like she was using me as her shield just in case something happened.

"What's that noise?" Lena asked, startled, her eyes venturing around the cabin.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What noise?"

"It sounded like there was some movement upstairs." Lena turned her head toward the staircase.

"Dave and I will go to the grocery store to get some steaks and burgers we can cook." Troy held onto the cabin's doorknob, ready to exit with Dave right behind him.

"Ladies, you'll be fine. Just keep the door locked." Troy reassured.

Dave closed the cabin door behind him, and they were gone.

My heart leaped at the thought of Troy and Dave leaving us behind. And I'm almost positive Lena was having a panic attack as I noticed her taking deep breaths from the corner of my eye.

"Lena, we'll be fine," I said, but the tremor of nerves betrayed my voice.

And just then, I heard it too.

The sound of a door slowly creaking open sent a chill down my spine. Lena's eyes widened, and she instinctively ran over to me. Grabbing a hold of my arm, she intertwined her arm into mine and pressed her body up against me. She was shaking like a frightened chihuahua.

"Hello?!" I yelled out, "Who's there?"

A Deadly Winter RetreatWhere stories live. Discover now