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THE FOG ON my windshield grew thicker as I sat in the driver's seat of my car, eyeing the man in the Camry in my rearview mirror.

I glanced over at the passenger seat, rummaging through my purse to find my cell. Once I felt it, I pulled it out of my purse, inadvertently spilling out some of its other contents- my chapstick, pocket mirror, and a few coins all tumbled onto the passenger seat.

My eyelid began to twitch as I stared at my phone and pressed down on the keys, dialing 9-1-1. I didn't call, though. I was getting prepared just in case I needed them if the man were to attack me. 

I kept my thumb hovering over the "Call" button if I needed to hit it.

Opening up my car door, I stepped outside onto the rocky ground. The aftermath of winter's heavy rains had scattered tiny rocks throughout the streets and onto the ground.

The sun's bright rays narrowed in on my face. Squinting my eyes, I used my hand as a visor, blocking out the sun's rays. I followed the man with my eyes as he walked to his car's back passenger side door. He gripped the door handle, opening it up.

A mix of emotions swelled with me- frustration, anger, and fear. However, I mustered up the courage to confront him. The rage of anger coursed through my veins, overpowering the small envelope of fear that crept within. 

With rage streaming through me, I ran over to his car in my beige rainboots. My legs felt like jello, and the nerves that shot through my body made my hands tremble. Heat rushed through me. The thought of this man believing he had the right to stalk me ignited a fiery fuse within me.

I snapped.

"Hey, asshole!" I furrowed my brows. "Why the hell are you following me?!" I shouted at him, demanding, "Are you the creep who sent me that letter?" I waited for the man to respond, unaware that passersby were staring at me as if I were some deranged woman. An older man with salt and pepper hair even took out his phone to record the commotion I was causing.

The man's brown eyes opened wide in shock. He then furrowed his brows, and his lips tightened.

A small child, around five years old, stepped out of the backseat of the Camry. The child was hugging a teddy bear and had a Spiderman backpack on his back.

"Daddy, wes go inside." The child said in an innocent and sweet voice, reaching out for his Dad's hand.

The child's hazel eyes darted toward me.

"Hewwo!" The child said happily with a smile.

My heart shattered.

"Hi!" I said with a smile and a slight wave of my hand.

The man hurriedly grabbed the kid and pushed the child behind him. The child was now out of my view.

"Get away from us, you crazy woman!" His eyebrows furrowed as he directed his child to stand behind him. "I have no idea who you are!" The man shouted back," I'll call the cops if you don't get away from us." He wagged his finger in my face.

I planted my face into my hands. The heat of shame rises to the surface, and a burning sensation crawls up my cheeks. I was left utterly speechless- fully embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm very sorry." I ran away as quickly as I could, back toward Glenna's. Tears streaming down my face.

What is happening to me?

I am becoming a paranoid mess.

I wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand. Grabbing my purse, I set it on my lap and pulled a Kleenex out. I began dabbing at my eyes. I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me, and I definitely didn't want to share the details of what was going on in my life with Glenna or anyone else except for those closest to me.

A Deadly Winter RetreatWhere stories live. Discover now