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THE SUN PEEKED through the gloomy winter clouds as I lowered my shades, sliding them down from the top of my forehead and over my eyes.

"The sun is coming out!" I exclaimed, filled with awe. The pine-scented air was moist from the previous day's rain and a slight chill hung lingered even though the sun was out.

"It won't be out for long," Troy replied stoically.

Our luggage sat on the sidewalk beside me. Reaching down, I grabbed the handle of the large black suitcase first. Lifting it, I stuffed it into the back of Troy's SUV. Then I picked up the smaller suitcases, stacking them on top of each other, and with all my strength, I shoved them all in.

Troy descended the stairs from his apartment, his warm brown eyes meeting mine. He walked over to me, leaning forward to plant a peck on my lips. "Thanks for being my rock and taking good care of me," he said with a flirtatious grin etched on his face.

"Babe, don't thank me," I replied playfully, "You deserve nothing but the best." Smiling, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I agree," Troy joked. We laughed. I playfully nudged him with my elbow, offering a gentle reminder, "Hey, don't let your ego get the best of you." Troy chuckled again.

As I scanned the trunk, I ensured our luggage was tightly packed and secured. Grabbing the top of the trunk door, I slammed it shut.

Troy hopped into the driver's seat.

"We're good to go!" I announced as I made my way to the passenger seat of the truck, settling beside Troy.

I double-checked with him, confirming he was feeling well enough to drive.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" I watched Troy as he placed the key into the ignition.

"Trish, the cuts to my abdomen don't affect my driving ability." He replied defensively, a hint of sarcasm evident in his voice. "I'm good. Don't worry about me, babe."

Troy had always been fiercely independent, sometimes to a fault where he would overwhelm himself, and it would eventually take a mental toll on him.

He often declined my offers to help him in any way that I could, preferring to handle things on his own.

He confided in me, telling me he believed this trait stemmed from his upbringing as a latchkey kid. With both his parents working full-time jobs, and sometimes even seven days a week, Troy learned to fend for himself.

After working all week, his parents ran a farm and sold eggs for extra money at the local farmer's markets on the weekends, leaving Troy to navigate life largely by himself.

"Okay," I shrugged.

As I turned, staring into the backseat, I tossed my purse onto the seat. I pulled the seatbelt strap over my shoulder, buckling it.

Just before we were about to take off, my phone rang, vibrating against my thighs where it rested on my lap. I glanced down at the screen.

Incoming Call: Lena

I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted.

"Hey, Lena!" I answered.

Lena had been a constant presence in my life over the last few days, which made me wonder whether it was intentional or not. My gut was telling me that she was trying too hard to become my best friend. Or maybe not. It's possible that I was overthinking it, just like I tend to overthink everything else.

Lena sighed, "Hi, Trish,"

I sensed that something was wrong.

"Is everything okay, Lena? Are you and Dale still planning to go up to Pine Glacier?" I inquired.

"Dale's freaking car broke down. It won't start," Lena said with annoyance in her voice. "I don't think we're going to make it to Pine Glacier Hills."

"Well, you two can hitch a ride with us," I offered without thinking too much about it. I wasn't sure how well it would go over with Troy, but he would have to adjust.

"Are you sure, Trish?" Lena asked. "Dave and I really don't want to intrude on your and Troy's vacation," she added, almost apologetically.

I reassured her, "Lena, it's totally fine! And you won't be intruding."

"Are you sure?" Lena asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. We can pick you both up. We're actually getting ready to head out now," I explained. "We'll pick you two up in about twenty minutes."

"Awesome! We're on I-35 on the side of the road near the smoothie shop," Lena explained, "Thank you so much, Trish!"

"No problem at all." We both said goodbye and ended the call.

I watch3; as Troy limped to the driver's side of the SUV. He opens up the door and hops inside.

"We have to pick up Lena and Dave. Dave's car broke down, so they'll be riding with us." I pull down the visor and look into the mirror. I apply a thin layer of chapstick to my lips.

"Where did their car break down?" Troy's eyes pierced into the side of my face.

"On I-35, near the smoothie shop," I explain to Troy, " Lena said they were on their way to Pine Glacier Hills, but Dave's car broke down before they could even make it out of town."

"That sucks!" Troy replied as he placed his hands on the steering wheel, "We'll pick them up now."


Troy drove his SUV down Highway I-35 to Pine Glacier Hills. His hands firmly held onto the steering wheel as he focused on the snowy road ahead. He pressed his foot down on the brake, gradually slowing down as we approached the smoothie shop.

In the distance, we spotted Dave and Lena on the side of the road. Lena was dressed in a pink parka paired with white snow pants and matching snow boots. She stood out as she flagged us down by waving her hands in the air.

Meanwhile, Dave's blue Chevy truck was parked by the roadside with its hood propped open. Smoke wafted from the engine, spiraling into the sky.

Troy steered the SUV to the side of the road. The tires rose over the gravel and dirt; the debris crunching beneath and dust particles flew up into the air. Troy stopped the car and parked in the back of Dave's blue Chevy.

Dave walked up to Troy's side of the car and Troy rolled down his window.

"Hey, man!" Dave greeted, "Thank you so much for giving us a lift!"

"No problem at all!" Troy replied, "What happened to your truck?"

Dave shrugged, "The engine blew. I just called the tow truck, and they're coming to pick it up and take it to the salvage yard."

"Sorry to hear that." Troy shook his head in disappointment. "I know how much you loved that truck."

"Yeah, it was good to me for a very long time." Dave responded. "I guess it's time for me let it go."

Dave stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I'll go grab our luggage and put them in the trunk."

Dave and Lena retrieved their luggage from Dave's car.

"Can you lift the trunk, please?" Lena asked while patting her hair back as strands of it blew in the wind.

Troy reached down, pressed a button and the trunk pop open.

I peeked in the side mirror and saw Lena dumping her suitcase into the trunk, and Dave followed suit.

They both got into the back passenger seat of Troy's SUV.

"We're all ready to go!" Lena announced, "I cannot wait to get there. We're gonna have the time of our lives." She smiled.

I turned around, gazing into Lena's eyes.

"Yes, we are!" I replied enthusiastically.



A Deadly Winter RetreatWhere stories live. Discover now