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WE TRUDGED OUR way through the snowy forest. The frosty tree branches hung low, obscuring our view. I raised my arm, forcefully swatting the branches out of our way as we plodded through the thick snowdrifts. The bushes blocked our paths with their green leaves peeking through the snow. But with determination, we managed to navigate our way through.

Suddenly, the sound of an exhaust pipe could be heard through the air, along with the sound of a roaring motor. I stalled, and a cold knot formed in the pit of my stomach as my eyes landed on a brown van maliciously careening directly into our path, its wheels swerving into the deep snow. Menacing toward Gina, she gasped, her eyes widening in shock. The tires struggled to gain traction, spinning on the snowy surface and spitting shards of snow into the misty air. Gina tried to run the opposite way but stumbled into the depths of the snow, falling head-first into the frost.

I was paralyzed, utterly speechless, with the inability to move a muscle. I grappled with the impending disaster as it unfolded before us. 

 The van's passenger side door suddenly opened, and a tall man exited. He stood at least six feet two inches tall. His face was hidden behind a menacing black mask, clad in a matching black jacket and jeans. He sprang toward us with grim determination. First, he swiftly approached Gina, scooping her up in his arms before she could react, and then hoisted her over his shoulder as she screamed and struggled.

"Trish!" Gina pleaded, her trembling hand reaching out toward me. "Help me!" Panic surged through me as I raced toward the unbelievable nightmare, everything happening in an agonizing slow motion.

Before I could intervene, another tall man emerged from the van. He ran toward me. Nerves stalled me as I desperately scanned the area, looking for somewhere to run or hide. But there was nowhere, nothing. He grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder, carrying me to the rear of the van. He unlocked the back door and swung it open. The sound of the door flying open swooshed into the misty air. The scent of pine drove into my nostrils. Both of the assailants threw us into the back, my head colliding with the unforgiving interior with a painful thud. I winced while Gina landed on her rear, crying out in pain.

"They're going to kill us!" Gina's voice filled the confined space, her terror echoing our dread. My heart raged against my chest, and I screamed.


The rear of the van had no windows. I felt as if I was suffocating. It drove me into panic mode. I desperately clambered against the walls of the van. Banging against them with my fists, I yelled out at our captives, pleading for them to let us out.

"Please!" I shouted, my voice echoing against the van's walls. "We won't tell anyone, please let us go!"

 They didn't respond to me even once, so I lowered my arms, allowing them to hang beside me.

Shivering and scared, I settled down. We couldn't see a thing, and we didn't know where they were taking us. Helpless, terrified, and clueless, I was emotionally distraught and frightened for our lives.

"We'll survive this, Trish." Gina encouraged her eyes, gazing into mine. Her demeanor suddenly changed. She didn't seem as terror-struck as she had been earlier. "We have to be brave!" She said with an ounce of confidence.

"Gina, it's not going to be okay," I said through the tears flowing from my eyes. "We're not going to be okay." I sniffled.

Soon, the van came to a halt, jerking us forward. I held my hands up against the wall of the van for support. The sound of two car doors opening and then closing could be heard. Gina's eyes widened as she gazed into mine.

"I think they're coming." She said with an ounce of dread.

Suddenly, the van's back door swung open, and blinding sunlight burst through, searing our eyes. In a frantic blur, the men snatched us up, flinging us over their shoulders like sacks of potatoes. Desperation coursed through me as I aimed the force of my snow boots right at the man's abdomen. He winced and doubled over in pain, but his grip on me tightened.

"Bitch!" He spat with venom, his voice dripping with anger. "If you ever try that again, it's over for you!"

Salty tears streamed down my face, combined with sweat and snowflakes. Panic surged as I scanned our surroundings while the man dragged me into a nearby cabin. With a brutal toss, he flung me into a room, treating me like a disposable ragdoll.

I scrambled to my feet and rushed to the window, my heart pounding with fear and determination. My eyes locked onto the landscape, and a glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness when I realized we weren't far from our cabin.

I could make it back!

I had the grit. I had the determination. I had it all within me.

A plan of desperation began to form in my mind: an unyielding desire and profound hope to escape.

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