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MY BACK ACHED, and a painful sensation tore through my muscles like a wildfire sweeping through a dry forest. I clenched my teeth, refusing to give those sick psychopaths any hint of the torment that plagued me.

I lay on the cold hardwood floor, shivering. Thoughts of my potential demise ransacked my mind, haunting me. A consistent chill permeated the room. The consistent lack of warmth was jarring, causing my teeth to chatter and my hands were ice cold.

A frosty cloud escaped my lips with every breath I took. I turned my head, glancing out of the window, only to find the light of day had surrendered to the night's moon, casting an eerie glow over the snowy horizon.

With the snowstorm clearing out, I knew I could get away. But a lingering question plagued my mind:

When and by what means could I finally break free?

Suddenly, a wincing sound echoed in from the room next door. I heard the rattling of a chair as its legs scratched against the surface of the hardwood floor. I immediately sat up, my hair hanging in front of my face. I gruelingly lifted myself up and stood on my feet. Running to the wall where the sounds had traveled, I put my ear up to it, listening for more.

The distant cry of a woman's voice reverberated through the walls, wincing and, at brief moments, even crying out for help. Strangely, it didn't sound like Gina, as my intuition had initially suspected. Her voice slowly dissipated lower to almost a mere whisper, as if she was depleted of all her energy. She could barely utter another word except for a draining"Help!"

I crept quietly to the door, tip-toeing every step of the way. I extended my hand toward the knob, and painstakingly slow, I twisted it. My heart pounded against the wall of my chest. I was hopeful that my actions wouldn't tip off my pursuers as I tried to escape.

The door stubbornly refused to open. I was trapped inside. I gently pushed and shoved, but the door wouldn't budge. It seemed as if they had reinforced the door with sheets of solid steel, sealing my fate and ensuring my captivity.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind- I could make a break for the window, but the thought of shattering the glass sent a jolt of fear through me.

What if it triggered an alarm, trapping me in the clutches of these twisted captors?

I sat back down on the floor, wrapping my arms around my legs. I huddled, trying my best to stay warm. Shaking from the cold that seeped into my skin. Goosebumps rode down my arms as I tugged my legs closer to my body. It was almost impossible to stay warm.

If they weren't going to kill me, the chilling cold that drenched the room certainly was.

The door creaked, and the knob slowly twisted. My eyes widened in terror as I frantically scooted backward, pressing my spine firmly against the icy wall.

"Who's there?" My voice quivered while my gaze fixed on the door as if I were in some trance, unable to shift my eyes.

A tall, lanky man wearing a black mask over his face threw a bag of potato chips at me and rolled a water bottle my way. It halted at my feet.

"She told me to feed you." He said before stepping out of the door.

"Who is she?!" I cried, my voice filled with desperation.

"Forget about who she is!" He shot back aggressively, causing me to press my back further against the wall, though I was already at its very edge.

"What about the heat?" I questioned. "I need heat, or else I'm going to die!" I pleaded.

He stood there, his form casting an eerie shadow into the dimly lit room, shrouded in silence. His presence sent a chilling shiver down my spine, a haunting sensation that lingered in the air. I caught a glimpse of his evil dark eyes, visible through the unsettling apertures of his mask.

He turned and silently walked out the door. The only sounds that filled the room were the faint echoes of his steps. I lowered my head, gazing at the wood floor, tears streaming down my face.

Would I make it out of here alive?

I scanned the room, desperately searching for a way out. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I needed to be strong not only for me but for Gina and maybe even Lena. I was hopeful that Lena was still alive.

I stood up and scrambled to the window. Inspecting it, I placed my hands on the frame and tried my hardest to lift it up, hoping it would open, but it wouldn't. At that point, the window was my only way out. Frantically I searched for anything to help me unscrew the locks of the window. I noticed the closet at the end of the room. I ran to it. Grasping the handle, I slid the door open. Looking inside, I spotted a few items on the floor. A rush of excitement streamed through my veins as my eyes landed on a toolbox that was neatly placed in the corner of the closet.

Just what I need!

I leaned over and quickly picked it up as if someone was going to yank it out of my hands. I gripped it tightly. Stepping out of the closet, I made my way back to the window. I scaled the wall with every ounce of strength I had within me, stumbling a few times, but I refused to give up. My hands slipped as I gripped the cold, wet window sill. Eventually, I reached the top. Sitting on the sill, I agonizingly searched for the screws that sealed it. Once I spotted them, I retrieved the screwdriver from out of the toolkit and hastily unscrewed the screws. One by one. My hair frustratingly fell over into my face. I swiped the loose strands back over my head. Desperation seeped through me as my breathing intensified. The severity of my actions bore a heavy weight on me; I had to get it done fast, or else I risked being caught. And then they'd probably kill me. Once I removed the last screw, I carefully clutched onto both sides of the window screen, pulling it off. The winter's cold air struck me in the face, and I relished in the fresh pine-scented air. All I could of was the word freedom.

I hurled myself out of the window, landing on the icy landscape. I sunk into the cold frost. With every ounce of energy, I could muster up. Standing up, I sprinted as far as my feet could carry me.

I did it! I escaped.

A Deadly Winter RetreatWhere stories live. Discover now