I'll always come back ( Zoro x reader )

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Flashback to when they were young teenagers.

Zoro and y/n were running around in a field chasing a little bunny.

   " Cmon! I wanna catch it so I can pet it! " Y/n yelled happily.

" What if it bites you thought! " Zoro said suddenly stopping.

Y/n crashed into zoro's back and they both fell to the ground. After a second they started laughing. y/n sat up and Zoro turned over and sat up as well. both their faces had blush across their cheeks as they realized their faces were really close together. They moved apart from each other and just sat there talking to each other.

Zoro turned his head after he heard a noise and saw nothing, so he turned his head back to where y/n was, or rather, used to be.

" Y/n? Y/N! "  He yelled loudly looking all over for her. But she was nowhere to be found.

End flashback ( 3 years later )
Zoro was walking through the small town they had stopped at to get supplies. It was getting late, and Zoro was looking for the docks because, as expected, he got lost. He wandered around for about an hour and ended up walking through a rather suspicious part of the town.

" Where the hell am I..." He questioned to himself.

Suddenly there was a pain in the back of his head as someone smacked him with what felt like a bottle, which it did turn out to be one as glass spattered across the ground. Zoro fell but quickly stood up only to be pinned against the wall. A masked figure wearing a C/c (color choice) tank top and black pants came into his focus. The figure pinned Zoro against a wall and held a blade to his throat. Zoro pushed them off and then kicked them into the wall on the other side of the alley. the masked person thudded into the was and fell as the wind was knocked out of them. Their hood fell off and they pulled the mask down to try and get more air into their lungs. When they looked up Zoro froze.

" Y-y/n? Is that you? "

" Yeah, its me. " They looked up and also froze. " Zoro? Oh crap...sorry I didn't realize it was you or I wouldn't of attack you. " They chuckled before standing up and walking over to Zoro.

" How? Why? What..." Zoro looked at them confused and then he wrapped him arms around her waist and hugged them.

Y/n chuckled and hugged him back before stepping back and looking him up and down.

" I'm guessing you're wondering why I'm here and what happened? Well. After I was kidnapped, they used me as a little serving girl. I managed to get away last year, but I didn't get away without shedding some blood... " Y/n paused and look down at their hands. " I killed them, all of them...and then I came here. I couldn't find anywhere to live or anywhere that would hire me so I started my life of thievery."

Zoro looked at them with sad eyes. He realized then how much he missed them all these years. For months on end he looked for them, for any sign of where they had been taken. Zoro offered to take them back to the ship so they could meet the crew. They agreed and y/n helped him find the way back to the docks. After reaching the docks Luffy hopped up and down once he saw Zoro was back, then he noticed y/n. They walked up onto the ship and Zoro introduced y/n to the crew and Luffy agreed to let them stay on the ship while they were here for a few days. The next few days were something y/n hadn't experienced in a long, long, time. They were filled with laughter, smiles and good new memories. But all good things must come to an end. The Straw hats needed to move on to the next island.

" Good luck you guys! " Y/n said smiling at all them. " I hope you all make it to the next island safely. "

They all smiled and waved at them. Except Zoro. He didn't want to leave them, not again. He couldn't watch them leave again. Right as he was about to yell after them Luffy hopped up on the side of the ship and stretched his arms out to grab y/n. They yelped as they came flying back onto the ship and landed rather roughly on the deck.

" I don't want to leave you here Y/n...you're a good person and you're strong to. " Luffy looks serious for once and he glances up at Zoro. " And even I've noticed how much happier Zoro has been with you here, so Y/n, will you join our crew? "

They looked around at all their faces and then smiled. " I'd love to join the crew. "


Hey, author here. Sorry for not publishing anything recently but I've been busy with school and an injury due to my sports. ANYWAYS...I will be writing a part 2 for this story, I also will be releasing an authors note that I would really really appreciate it if you read. Thank you and I hope you've enjoyed this so far! Bye ❤️❤️

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