I Don't Want You to Go (Luffy x Y/n)

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Post Marine Ford Arc!

By the way, in this Y/n and Luffy have been dating for a while. They got together about the Impel Down Arc.

ALSO, THIS IS IMPORTANT! I'll be on a trip from June 3rd-9th so there will not be any updates through then so that's why I put two out this week, anyways enjoy the story bye guys, love you so much!

Y/n's Pov:

     'I wonder where everyone else is. I hope there all okay, these guys are no joke.' I thought as I finished tying a bandage around my forearm. We were on an island and while we were here some other pirates showed up. An explosion had sent a lot of us in different directions; I was one of the ones to get sent off on their own. So far, I'd run into at least five of the pirates and managed to take them down, they're pretty strong though.

After I'd picked up my bag, I began walking around trying to find any of the others. I heard talking, they didn't sound like any of the crew, so I dove into some of the bushes and hid. Two of the pirates walked by. 

" I wonder if any of them have found Strawhat yet. " Pirate #1 said.

" I doubt it, we would've heard about it by now. Even if they haven't, he's not the only one we're looking for. That girl... " Pirate #2 replied, but I couldn't hear the last part as they got too far away.

'So, they're looking for Luffy... well, let's hope he can handle them. ' I thought as I stood up from the bushes and again, began searching for the crew.

Luffy's Pov: 

" Ahhhh " I hissed as I sat up. " My back burns. "

Someone groaned next to me and I turned and saw Chopper.

" Chopper! Are you okay?! " I asked as I scrambled over to him.

He groaned again and opened his eyes. " Y-yeah, I'm okay. Are you okay Luffy? "

" I'll be fine. Here, let me carry you. We need to go and find the others. " I said standing up. ' Please be okay everyone, especially you y/n. I wonder who's attacking us. Doesn't matter too much though, they're gonna regret attacking us.' I thought as I picked chopper up and started walking through the woods.

We'd been walking for about ten minutes when I heard a noise coming from the right. Immediately, I slipped Chopper off my back and stepped away from him. A man lunged out of the bushes at me with a sword in hand. I quickly dodged his thrust and grabbed his arm. Then I spun him around and slammed him face down into the ground, his sword flew out of his hand and he groaned in pain.

" Who are you. And what do you want with me and my crew. " I asked through clenched teeth.

" Like I'd ever tell you! " He hissed.

I pressed my hand down harder against the back of his neck. " Tell me, or I'll kill you. "

" I don't care! Kill me if you want. " He yelled as best he could.

" Luffy, we need to go. With how much noise he's making any of his crew nearby will hear and head this way. " Chopper said, eyeing the forest around us.

I looked around and heard yelling off in the distance and sighed. 

" Fine, if you won't tell us, I'll find someone else who will. " I said and got off the man.

As we were walking away, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I fell to my knees and a heavy weight slammed my body to the ground.

" Luffy! " Chopper cried.

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