Authors Note Please read!

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Hey, so I have a few things I want to say but I'll try to make it short. First off, I would like to apologize for my grammar issues, it has never been my strong suit. So please excuse the grammatical errors. Second, for the most part I will be trying to remember to use gender neutral pronouns like they/them. Sometimes I will write one shot using she/her/hers or he/him/his, but I will let you know at the beginning of the one shot. I may also miss it and use she or her while writing, I do go back and read them myself to try and avoid that, but I can't guarantee I won't miss anything. And I may sometimes use small French sentences as I am studying French right now and I just enjoy it :) I will of course add a translation next to it in parentheses. I may try to write some Robin x reader or Nami x reader but those may not be the best as I'm a female and have only ever written one girlxgirl story so it may seem a bit odd so that's just a heads up.

Another thing I would like to say is any art I use at the top of a story or in it I do not own. I'm too scared to show any art I draw lol. And I unfortunately will not be one of the writers that can upload regularly as I have work, school and my sports are all year round and 4-6 days a week. I will try my best to get stories out though and I do take requests, I will most likely upload on weekends and may release two or more stories but most likely just 1 or 2.  I'm also planning on trying to write a full story, most likely an Ace, Sabo or Law x reader. I can't choose between the guys haha..

Okay that's all! I'll try to release the part 2 of the Zoro x Reader sometime this week but no promises okay bye love you guys❤!

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